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Partially you are right, not all types of people are suited for this job as it includes a lot of talki8ng with clients and to maintain your high spirits and energy, but I don't agree with you that its not a good career option. After the basic customer executive level which is suitable for youngsters and students, there are more supervisory and managerial levels which require maturity and management skills. That can be done by anyone who has good organizing skills and in the long run can take a person quite high on the corporate ladder!

Yes, Kalyani at managerial levels career in call centre is good but still there are very less chances of growth and also lifestyle of the people working in call centre is hit very hard except that they have money power.
@ sarala you can make more money but all the money you will spend to hospital due to health problems.

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Well, Vidhi call center do have a career if you take you job in a positive manner and look for growth.Growth is not a piece of cake and you need to strive hard for it.
Call center teaches to you to work the hard way as well as the smart way

Yes, Sanket you are right that we need to strive hard for growth but I would say that working in call centers definitely have health hazards and growth and salary in call centres can never be enough for this. If you put equal amount of hardwork elsewhere, you would be doing far better for yourself. However, this is my opinion, money carry different meanings to everyone.
Sarala, can you tell me what you mean by "good culture"? Infact call centre is the biggest factor that is changing our culture because at very young age people start earning high amount of money and spend it very unwisely, of late in last few years our culture is changing at a very fast pace. I think positive aspect of call centre is that it teaches value of independence to youngsters at very age.
Call center is an appreciable industry for undergraduate and graduate or higher educated people.It enhances the behavior,english comm skills and offers good package.
Yes, Kalyani at managerial levels career in call centre is good but still there are very less chances of growth and also lifestyle of the people working in call centre is hit very hard except that they have money power[/quote]

The kind of life style you are describing is the common way of way for every graduate individual now and is not just restricted to call center. Again, the chances of growth totally depend on how much sincere and smart efforts you have put into your job and applies to all other industries. The other arguments such as unhealthy lifestyle, increase in doctors' bills, etc. I more these happening in the software industry rather than call center! Again i must reiterate that such stress-induced hazards are present in many other professions and we must not blame call centre only, if only people take it in a more positive manner, it will only help create even more jobs that are mentally exhilarating and economically striving as well.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

ok kalyani mam...we surrender(atleast i do)...Call centres rock!
p.s - said in a humorous manner ;)
Vidhi there are some false facts about the call centres also sarala is saying that.But with out call centre there is nothing for us.

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Call centre are now a best choice for every starter to get high profile company name and a good income to live his/her life. Call centre are become the most generating job channel.
Yes for the new commers who is looking for a good job the callcenters is the best ones.

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