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Yes we are getting many assistance from call centre and it is proving many youngs in job.
I think this is not bad.

Most major businesses use call centers.
call centers do important role to interact with companies customers.

Be positive
[quote]Yes we are getting many assistance from call centre and it is proving many youngs in job. [/quote]

True, also the fact is that call centers provided a very reliable source of income to young graduates, especially when the manufacturing industry was on the verge of dying and future looked dark for many!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

i truly understand your point kalyani mam..but there are always two sides of a can be said that call centers have both good and bad aspects and outcomes associated with it.
[quote]i truely understand your point kalyani mam..but there are always two sides of a can be said that call centers have both good and bad aspects and outcomes associated with it. [/quote]

Very true Deven! But does it only apply for call centre jobs? I mean, I have seen this from many people I know, why are call center employees looked down upon? They are working as hard as the others do, is it because of high salaries they earn, which they rightly deserve!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The youth is getting attracted towards Call center and according to me its a good job. In future,my hostel mate and I,were planning to open a call center.

Want to make each day Accountable

Kalyani mam , i have no issues with the employees of call centres nor do i look down upon them...the problem is with the very concept of call centres..i.e. the youth of developing countries working day and night for the luxury of the people of the developed country.
I think Call centers job is good for boys and not good for girls because its night job.

Santosh Kumar Singh


[quote]Kalyani mam , i have no issues with the employees of call centres nor do i look down upon them...the problem is with the very concept of call centres..i.e. the youth of developing countries working day and night for the luxury of the people of the developed country. [/quote]

Deven, that is where lies the misconception about these jobs. The people in those developed countries are not rich, except for maybe a handful few, they are just like you and me, and the jobs are all about basic needs such as banking, bills, services etc. And let's face it, we NEED those jobs!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

yeah maybe we do are you trying to suggest that call centres have nothing bad ?
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