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Thank you.I was not clear that this contest will be there in may also.thank you again for making it clear.Yes waiting for the results. Best of luck to all those who participated in this.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Yes, waiting for the result desperately. Although I don't stand a chance in front of such a talented group of people but the excitement of result is really high. I don't know when the result will get published?


Article Writing - Practiced By Many, Mastered By Few!

Earn While You Learn :)
Yes, waiting for the result desperately. Although I don't stand a chance in front of such a talented group of people but the excitement of result is really high. I don't know when the result will get published?


What makes you think that you do not stand a chance? You may be in for a big surprise .
I am new to this site, and am not familiar with content which get preferred by admin here. This is why I don't consider my name in the winning list. But who knows, the result might surprise me. Should't be an exact date for the result?

Article Writing - Practiced By Many, Mastered By Few!

Earn While You Learn :)
I am new to this site, and am not familiar with content which get preferred by admin here. This is why I don't consider my name in the winning list. But who knows, the result might surprise me. Should't be an exact date for the result?

Its anytime the results may be out. But irrespective of the results, let's prepare for the next episode of the contest. Cheers.
Yes, finger crossed. Preparing for this month contest.


Article Writing - Practiced By Many, Mastered By Few!

Earn While You Learn :)
Friends may I remind you that this thread is not for expectations and cheering up each other but to resolve your problems and doubts. Please do not fill the thread with your personal anxieties. Thanks all.

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Sir,please help me to find out my replies in the forum.I posted few replies in forum,the points added but i cannot view it again.How to do?
Sir,please help me to find out my replies in the forum.I posted few replies in forum,the points added but i cannot view it again.How to do?

Go to Forum Profile which can be seen when you place the cursor on connect andd you can see all your forum activities there ...or you can go to my topics which also shows all the postings made by you !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Sir,i submitted a poll in boddunan. Two days gone,there is no response,whether it is accepted or rejected..How to know that?
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