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What is "Karma" number shows us? I can't figure it out? Please help!

Karma is a mark of quality that you earn or lose for your post. You can + or - any one but be careful while doing so. It has nothing to do with your earning but for self-satisfaction. However I suggest you to not to worry about it as it comes and goes.

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Thank you said by: Rakhi Yadav
As was mentioned in the thread Ask all your Doubts, this thread has been created exclusively for queries and doubts that are related to various functions, accounts etc.

I request all users to please refrain from posting replies that are not related to administrative issues and also to refrain from answering other users' posts. Please leave it for moderators, editors and admin. Thanks everyone.

To know the reason for rejecting articles where I can read user note.
As was mentioned in the thread Ask all your Doubts, this thread has been created exclusively for queries and doubts that are related to various functions, accounts etc.

I request all users to please refrain from posting replies that are not related to administrative issues and also to refrain from answering other users' posts. Please leave it for moderators, editors and admin. Thanks everyone.

To know the reason for rejecting articles where I can read user note.

You can read it on your dashboard>article put your cursor on mark X in red circle and read.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

As was mentioned in the thread Ask all your Doubts, this thread has been created exclusively for queries and doubts that are related to various functions, accounts etc.

I request all users to please refrain from posting replies that are not related to administrative issues and also to refrain from answering other users' posts. Please leave it for moderators, editors and admin. Thanks everyone.

To know the reason for rejecting articles where I can read user note.

You can read it on your dashboard>article put your cursor on mark X in red circle and read.

I read there "rejected other reason mentioned at user not" Here only one reason is mentioned that is spelling mistake.
As was mentioned in the thread Ask all your Doubts, this thread has been created exclusively for queries and doubts that are related to various functions, accounts etc.

I request all users to please refrain from posting replies that are not related to administrative issues and also to refrain from answering other users' posts. Please leave it for moderators, editors and admin. Thanks everyone.

To know the reason for rejecting articles where I can read user note.

You can read it on your dashboard>article put your cursor on mark X in red circle and read.

I read there "rejected other reason mentioned at user not" Here only one reason is mentioned that is spelling mistake.

Is that so? Then correct and resubmit. .

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

When I post article it review said that don't leave blank line at the end of the article.Why so.I have written the article in boddunan article format then how can this word appear. This used to appear when I have copy pasted it from notepad.But now I won't do so.I directly write in boddunan article format.Please help me.

Sharmistha Banerjee
When I post article it review said that don't leave blank line at the end of the article.Why so.I have written the article in boddunan article format then how can this word appear. This used to appear when I have copy pasted it from notepad.But now I won't do so.I directly write in boddunan article format.Please help me.

Before submitting article, check there are no blank lines. You may delete these by using 'delete' key on your key board.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

When I post article it review said that don't leave blank line at the end of the article.Why so.I have written the article in boddunan article format then how can this word appear. This used to appear when I have copy pasted it from notepad.But now I won't do so.I directly write in boddunan article format.Please help me.

We both are sailing in the same boat. I too was told initially not to leave any blank space after the end of the article. I was sure, I didn't do that. Still I don't know what changes took place inside. That's a bit weird in my opinion.

Blank lines would appear when you press the 'insert' key. some do this when they reach end of line and so blank line is formed. It is better to continue writing without using enter key unless you change paragraphs. Before submitting article, you can remove the blank lines at end or anywhere by using 'delete' key.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But while changing paragraphs we need to press enter key then what should we do how we can remove it.If we press delete key then entire article will be deleted.

Sharmistha Banerjee
But while changing paragraphs we need to press enter key then what should we do how we can remove it.If we press delete key then entire article will be deleted.

A line after paragraph is okay. More than one line is improper. Also there is no need for any line after the last line. You can remove unnecessary blank lines by using 'Delete' key.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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