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I don't find my name here in the statistics in "Most viewed profile".

Statistics in every category include only First Five. As your profile is not among first five, this is not included. My name is also at serial five only.

No my profile is among top 5 as it is viewed 899 times so it should be in the list as the fifth one is viewed 868 times only. :blink:

Your profile views are only 554 as I have checked.

From where did you check it?. May I know the option.
There are a few editor approved but awaiting for the Administrator’s approval articles are there in my Dashboard. I know submission of article is enough for nominating my articles.
But, to give the link of my article for nomination, I have to open my editor approved article, which i’m not supposed to do. If I open it, I have to resubmit it for Administrator’s final approval.
My doubt is, can I open the editor approved article for getting my link and resubmit for final approval?

Or is it sufficient if i name all the Titles of the articles that were submitted.

You dont have to use that button but click at title side of article and enter to copy URL. That will keep your article approved and safe.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Thank you said by: rambabu
There are a few editor approved but awaiting for the Administrator’s approval articles are there in my Dashboard. I know submission of article is enough for nominating my articles.
But, to give the link of my article for nomination, I have to open my editor approved article, which i’m not supposed to do. If I open it, I have to resubmit it for Administrator’s final approval.
My doubt is, can I open the editor approved article for getting my link and resubmit for final approval?

Or is it sufficient if i name all the Titles of the articles that were submitted.

You dont have to use that button but click at title side of article and enter to copy URL. That will keep your article approved and safe.

So kind of you Sunil. This solved my problem.
How can I delete my review as it is pending so long (I write it on 27 Feb 2013)?
My one article has been rejected and in the note it has been written that provide source images. What does it mean. Please response me quickly as today is the last date for submisssion of article link for top writer contest. This problem I faced for the first time.

Sharmistha Banerjee
My one article has been rejected and in the note it has been written that provide source images. What does it mean. Please response me quickly as today is the last date for submission of article link for top writer contest. This problem I faced for the first time.

Where did you get the image from. Is this copy righted. Please mention source of image at end of article.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually previously I submitted many images from wikipedia and did not mention any such source.This time also I use images from wikipedia.And in most articles also I did so but it git approved now it has been rejected.Any way I removed the images and again submitted it.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
One of my article is locked by Kalyani for editing purpose since last two days !! Please check it.

Update: It is solved now. Thanks. :)

Actually previously I submitted many images from wikipedia and did not mention any such source.This time also I use images from wikipedia.And in most articles also I did so but it git approved now it has been rejected.Any way I removed the images and again submitted it.

Editing is human action and so, it is possible that sometimes an editor may miss to check something. If an article is edited and also published despite some omission, it cannot be expected that editors and administration will omit to check similar every time. This is like some one not always caught by traffic police despite not wearing a helmet. .

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One of my article is locked by Kalyani for editing purpose since last two days !! Please check it.

Update: It is solved now. Thanks. :)

I had reviewed it and submitted it two days back but some technical problem keeps locking it up. But since it has been resolved, its okay!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: AKP
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