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First I will spend some with my two friends who have inspired me a lot,then I will purchase some thing for my children and wife.

Let me congratulate you too.....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5845]}

Will something be left if you are spending it first for your friends? :woohoo:

Who says ladies are averse to drinks!!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5846]}
[quote]And thereafter buy some Hydrabadi biscuits for me - if you are left with any money!![/quote]
Sure I think You are the most closest to me.
and I want to share my happiness with all boddunan members.I learned manythings from here. specially from you Gulshan sir,Kalyani,Astha and many more. Thanks to all.
First I will spend some with my two friends who have inspired me a lot,then I will purchase some thing for my children and wife.

Let me congratulate you too.....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5845]}

Will something be left if you are spending it first for your friends? :woohoo:

Who says ladies are averse to drinks!!!{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5846]}

I know it, someone is going to quote this.......ha ha
I did it for Ram's happiness...also for a change :laugh:

Meera sandhu
[quote]chinmoymukherjee wrote:
Sandhya Rani wrote:
First I will spend some with my two friends who have inspired me a lot,then I will purchase some thing for my children and wife.

Let me congratulate you too.....

Will something be left if you are spending it first for your friends?

Who says ladies are averse to drinks!!!

I know it, someone is going to quote this.......ha ha
I did it for Ram's happiness...also for a change [/quote]

I don't drink so no question about cheers.
You gotta see them in Delhi, Bangalore or Gurgaon. Men are out numbered some times, while comes to drink.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Congratulations sandhya, You will receive your cheque in 4 weeks. I am really happy for you :)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala I will also get so cheer up me also.I think You have forgot.
Congratulation akka for your first check. I dont know about when it reaches our hand. As i didnt receive any check before :(
I think i will take 1 month to reach you :)

I think I am the first person to congratulate to you.
Again congratulation.
Enter your home address and fulfill your profile or payment profile.
I am also going to receive the first.

Congratulation ram for your first check. I think you will spend this money with wife and childrens :)

Congrats Ram for getting the payment. :)

I will buy new clothes to my kids :) when i will get the first cheque but think it will take an year for me to reach there..hehehe.... :laugh:
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