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Just visiting the site and seeing its members tells it all. If a site has active members participating regularly and happy, that says it all. I can tell you by my personal experience where members can contact administration of a particular site without any problem, that site can never be fake, especially when the admin himself is supervising every thing and moderators are active members as well.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Just visiting the site and seeing its members tells it all. If a site has active members participating regularly and happy, that says it all. I can tell you by my personal experience where members can contact administration of a particular site without any problem, that site can never be fake, especially when the admin himself is supervising every thing and moderators are active members as well.

Suny i know you 100 times better than me when it comes to online earnings :) and that's reason i take your words seriously.I will follow this thumb rule in future. :)
Sanjeev Paisalive is not fake but the system is bad .You have to register in each mail with phone no and e-mail then they will disturb you otherwise you will not credited any paisa.So it is tough .My friend once got a cheque from them.
I am very happy to tell you that I am going to receive my first cheque. :)

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5839]}
Can anyone tell me when will it reach my hands?..This month itself or next month?
Also...I have not yet provided my address. Can I give my husband's bank address, because, house we are living is not at all permanent?
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Meera sandhu
I think I am the first person to congratulate to you.
Again congratulation.
Enter your home address and fulfill your profile or payment profile.
I am also going to receive the first.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5842]}
It's a lot of money!! I wonder what are going to do with this?????

Congrats!! You have made it in such quick time that boddunan may have to revise its budgets!!!
First I will spend some with my two friends who have inspired me a lot,then I will purchase some thing for my children and wife.
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{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5843]}
And thereafter buy some Hydrabadi biscuits for me - if you are left with any money!!
First I will spend some with my two friends who have inspired me a lot,then I will purchase some thing for my children and wife.

Let me congratulate you too.....

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 5845]}

Will something be left if you are spending it first for your friends? :woohoo:
computer-17_2012-03-02.gif (You do not have access to download this file.)

Meera sandhu
That is wonderful gesture on your part.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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