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You are welcome, any time, whenever. Just go on, do your best.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

You are welcome, any time, whenever. Just go on, do your best.

And suny what should i do here to get some money? :laugh:

I am trying hard for my articles to get approved.Don't know what will happen to the articles which are still in consideration of admin. :)
You are welcome, any time, whenever. Just go on, do your best.

And suny what should i do here to get some money? :laugh:

I am trying hard for my articles to get approved.Don't know what will happen to the articles which are still in consideration of admin. :)

What do you mean by still in consideration?? Didn't they got approval or what?? I have submitted my first and waiting for the approval. :whistle:

You are welcome, any time, whenever. Just go on, do your best.

And suny what should i do here to get some money? :laugh:

I am trying hard for my articles to get approved.Don't know what will happen to the articles which are still in consideration of admin. :)

What do you mean by still in consideration?? Didn't they got approval or what?? I have submitted my first and waiting for the approval. :whistle:

2 submitted yesterday and 2 today. :) As i understand today is SUNDAY so they are not going these approved today.May be tomorrow will get the result. :)
Best of luck for them. I would like to wait for my first approval and then submit more.

Best of luck for them. I would like to wait for my first approval and then submit more.

That's great strategy! :)

I should have done like you Anaad. :)
Best of luck, AKP and write more and earn more.It may take few times to get approval.
Best of luck for them. I would like to wait for my first approval and then submit more.

That's great strategy! :)

I should have done like you Anaad. :)

Reaching to 1500 mark will be quite difficult without these articles. So have to post more. I have posted one because I just want to know how much we are earning per article.. :whistle:

Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
AKP wrote:
Best of luck for them. I would like to wait for my first approval and then submit more.

That's great strategy!

I should have done like you Anaad.

Reaching to 1500 mark will be quite difficult without these articles. So have to post more. I have posted one because I just want to know how much we are earning per article..[/quote]
It depends upon the quality of articles. Rs 3.00 to 100.00.
Sanjeev Gupta wrote:
AKP wrote:
Best of luck for them. I would like to wait for my first approval and then submit more.

That's great strategy!

I should have done like you Anaad.

Reaching to 1500 mark will be quite difficult without these articles. So have to post more. I have posted one because I just want to know how much we are earning per article..

It depends upon the quality of articles. Rs 3.00 to 100.00.[/quote]

Thanks for the info Ram... So its depend on the quality. It should be like that and its fair too. I will try to improve it.

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