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Thanks Arun for educating us with difference..I think even some sites like hubpages,Bukisa give us space to write blogs and article...and they pay depending on 1000 click which is really very hard to acheive without proper traffic.
Thanks a lot Arun for your reply and I am beginning to comprehend these concepts from your posts.

As to your query about creating new thread in forum, you have to select the right category and then hit the new thread box which is the last of four boxes after Reply Topic,Subscribe,Favourite and then give a suitable title and add your content and click submit! That's it!
Really a real knowledge sharing session was going on in this thread.Thanks for your questions Chinmoy and thanks for your elaborate answers Arun. :)
Thanks Rajani and Nagalaxmi. I am glad that I could help!!

And Rajani platform like Hubpages is really useful if you have a google publisher ID. I have around 150 articles on hubpages under different usernames and I earn in excess of 400$ from hubpages. I also do a fair bit of writing on infobarrel and squidoo but they are mostly written to provide backlinks to my hubpages articles.
Thanks a lot guys for all the reply ..... would help others on boddunan. this thing make our website strong & popular. :cheer:
Thanx Arun for this educating post
Now again I request you to throw some light on how to have a google publisher id.I heard the quickest way to obtain a google adsense registration is through .But are these two things same?I mean having an a/c on google adsense and having a google publisher id?And pl slightly elaborate on 'viral',though I guess it's a highly popular thread.
Good morning to all my friends!

It has been a very good learning experience going through Arun's posts!
@Chinmoy - Good morning to you too mate. I am glad that my posts could be of little value to you all!!

@Rajesh - The quickest way to get approved for google adsense id are all gone. After a major click fraud in India and China, google wants publisher from these countries to maintain their blogs/sites for 6 months before they apply. Though you can also get approved before that but google is generally wary of approving publishers before. So, even if you apply through indyarocks or your own website, the same conditions would apply. Also it is important to fill your blog with unique original content.
You can find the 6 month clause under site ownership on google official website.I have quoted the link below:

And yes, having an a/c on adsense and adsense publisher ID are one and the same.

And yea, viral means a news which becomes extremely popular in a short span of time!!

I hope that helps!!
Thanx amillion Arun.
Your posts are of great help.I may be asking about some more doubts if u dont mind
He is,indeed, a great help in understanding the nitty gritty of the issues involved!
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