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Rajni K- You have raised the problem of blind and minor girls. We are discussing the problem of normal girls. The blind and infirm need extra support and care. I think the punishment for crimes against the handicapped and infirm must be very strict.

The women who have adopted night jobs are also more prone to risk. There should be special protection for such women.

However, the main issue is changing double standards.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Kalyani- I am happy you have appreciated my viewpoint. The interview with Swedish psychiatrist is also very apt. I remember a story about a psychopath who would take pleasure in raping girls. One girl submitted to him saying she really loved his manliness and wanted him. The psychopath was turned off and could not even touch her. He would get no pleasure if the girl willingly submitted.

I remember a meeting organized by a social organization in Agra. a police officer told the audience that nobody dares to rape a Jean clad bold girl.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

@Good morning guys!!, thanks Gulshan

@Chinmoy, this matter is not relevant to any particular country as such. The psychology of the perpetrator is the same everywhere, only the color of skin and the language they speak change. The rapist usually has some kind of inferiority complex, some kind of insecurity and is trying to establish himself as a conqueror or a superior person by inflicting humiliation and pain on the victims. Hence her counsel does hold some logic that is relevant!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I know that we are discussing about the how to stop the crime.
And whether the crime is done on normal or blind women, the pain is same and crime is crime.

But what i want to say is normal girls can somehow manage from escaping by using self defence as stated by other members.But the special cases cannt react like normal girls. So, i think with severe punishement as stated by you, is there any other way such girls can protect themselves if security is not availble for them?

I agree with your view too. But most of the cases reported now-a-days are on minors.
The blind girls have physical strength and intelligence like other girls. If they can do other things, they can also fight the offender. They can also shout and scare the offender. The blind girl will definitely get more sympathy from people than normal girls.
The best remedy for all girls- blind, handicapped or normal- is to avoid meeting any one at lonely places. It is better to use public transport and not choose night hours or lonely streets for travel. If necessary, they should move in group. However, this is a matter of security and even men, particularly the aged have to take preventive steps.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Most of the rapist are psychologically ill, so proper counselling to those who gets provoked by simple acts, or by seeing opposite sex is must.

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There is not an iota of a doubt that the root lies very deep inside the mind and it should be dubbed as a psychological,if not psychiatric disorder.By purely thinking in terms of capital punishment would not make the problem vanish away!
The in sufficient and in efficient sex education plays a roll here.I think providing this in apt and correct way will reduce the crimes like this.

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@Abid, your statement is very correct!! Proper and scientific sex education will definitely play a major role in avoiding such incidents! What is happening now is that the youth are getting exposed to lot of pornographic stuff in TV, internet, magazines etc and they definitely want to try out sex for themselves. When they don't find an obliging sex partner, they force it upon a hapless victim. Years ago, there was an interesting survey carried out worldwide which showed that Denmark and a few other Scandinavian countries where pornography and access to sex material was legal, the crime rate was the lowest; whereas the countries where it was illegal, including India, the crime rate was much high! Especially in the recent years, India has become more violent, including such outrages carried out on foreign women tourists!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani- You have aptly referred to pornographic material on internet, TV and books, which affects the youth. But I wish to point out that the girls/ young women are also exposed to the same material. Then why they do not force sex on boys and why they are only victims. The underlying idea is that there is gender equality and double standards.

While preventive measures to prevent rape are definitely required, bringing about gender equality and putting an end to double standards for men and women is of paramount importance.

I may make one suggestion. Let a group of girls join to tease boys for one week for a change. Then see what happens. The boys will forget eve teasing.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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