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You have profiled the psychology of a rape victim with great feelings.I agree that it has its roots in the way we bring them up in life.
Kalyani- You have correctly stated that the girls are made to feel that their bodies must be kept pure at all times and they are not given necessary lessons in self esteem and self respect. I may add that on the other hand boys are not bothered about purity of their bodies and when they seduce and 'get' a girl's body, they feel like conqueror. All right thinking men and women should raise their voice and fight against this double standard. There is no reason why a girl fails mental agony and boy is proud of the same action.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Apart from the girl being taught a bit of martial arts and the rare imprisonments for the rapist, the rapist also should be humiliated in front of public.

One instance long ago, a boy raped a girl and as a punishmnet he got a hole drilled on his ear!
All crimes can be stopped only if the punishment is model and severe.

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We have grown to be a soft state both externally and internally.Even criminals who are put behind the bars continue to operate their criminal activities from the jail!!!
Nice friend so If we give hang to rapist then it will be right decision or its wrong......

Santosh Kumar Singh


Santosh- By giving capital punishment to the rape offender, you will only strengthen the notion that rape is so big an offence that the victim has lost everything. I think that rape should be equated to grievous hurt. The punishment for rape should be same as for causing grievous hurt to some body.

By raising the quantum of punishment, you will simply endorse the current social value that gives paramount importance to female virginity. what is the use of hanging rape offender if the victim is to face life long trauma and blemish.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]gulshan kumar ajmani wrote Santosh- By giving capital punishment to the rape offender, you will only strengthen the notion that rape is so big an offence that the victim has lost everything. I think that rape should be equated to grievous hurt. The punishment for rape should be same as for causing grievous hurt to some body.

By raising the quantum of punishment, you will simply endorse the current social value that gives paramount importance to female virginity. what is the use of hanging rape offender if the victim is to face life long trauma and blemish.[/quote]

In a way, you right Gulshan, that by raising the quantum of punishment we would be further endorsing the importance of female virginity! the punishment should be such that it should deter the others from perpetrating similar crimes. Also the fact that psychology of the girls themselves need to be changed.

I remember having read an interview with a Swedish psychiatrist, I forget her name but she has been working as counselor for rape victims for most of her life. She has been telling all the women she counseled that if they CANNOT, in any way whatsoever avoid being raped, they might as well enjoy the sex act involved. Horrfying it may seem to us, there is some logic in that this will not further degrade the girl in her own eyes!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

That is quite an interesting take on the subject.But then attaching to much weightage what particular counselor says in relation to a particular country would not be very logical.
I agree with all that girls should changed in attitude regarding this crime and some defence mechnisms such as martials arts should be learn. But all girls can not case of blind girl or minor girl what is your answer. The weak points is one can not see(blind girl) and another one is ignorant. Most of the cases report in the recent time are minor girls.Is there any way to give them protection from this crime?

Also i think women who have adopted night life are more prone to this crime.
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