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@Gulshan you are right that the women too are exposed to the same sex material, but throughout generations our culture, religion and social customs etc have dictated that women remain submissive no matter what and that is what prevents them raping men/boys!

also the fact that girls/women are physically less able to force themselves upon others!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani- Thus I hope you agree that gender bias and double standard is main cause of injustice towards women and incidents of rape and consequent trauma. The physical weakness of women is also not real but is caused by grooming. It may be seen that women in sports, police and para military forces are stronger than men. No male may even try to touch a women wrestler. The remedy lies in women shedding their inferiority complex and fight for right to live on equal terms with men.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are right Gulshan, it is mainly the gender biases and double standards that are prevalent here! There also is the major fact that majority of women themselves; too project themselves as delicate wallflowers that need to be protected by others and will take less efforts to do so themselves! This is also due to prevailing double standards that women who are masculine are less liked by the opposite sex!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Kalyani- Rightly stated that woman who is 'masculine' is not liked by men. In fact, I do not agree to use of word 'masculine' in this context. The quality of courage, self confidence and physical strength is not 'masculine'. Men and women both may be strong and courageous. A courageous and self confident woman is not 'masculine'. she may still possess feminine charm. We all have to fight against gender bias. Women have to fight more.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think there is reason India is Hot country so rape cases is more. Is there any other country who is before India.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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