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There is a well known person who married and had a son and divorced his wife. While he was in relationship with a lady,he had an affair and a daughter was born.He was in another relationship with a lady and also a daughter was born. he then stopped his relation with the first lady and married the third lady after 9 years of his second daughter's birth

That person is Pandit Ravi Shankar, the first daughter born is Norah Jones and the other daughter born is Anuksha Shankar

Swetha Shenoy
I agree with @gulshan as the kids may suffer in future if the parents relationship is not legalized.. however Indian society still doesn't accept such relationship..

In some religions such type of relationship is considered as offense and severe punishments are given that may include death...

There is no social approval for such relation as everyone belongs to some religious community which has own rituals. But there should be legal recognition of live in relation. Such relation differs from regular marriage only in matter of wedding ceremony which is just a few hours event whereas the relation is continuous. There may be an amendment in special marriage act for recognizing live in relation as regular marriage if this relation lasts for three years or there is a child born out of such relation.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]gulshan kumar ajmani wrote:
I approve living together relation. When this relation continues for more than three years or a child is born out of this relation, the couple should be legally considered as married with all consequential affects.

I did not know this before.If such then it is very good.[/quote]

This is simply a suggestion and not legal provision.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually, many people can misuse this option. There lies the real problem. It can also lead to problems like AIDS, if it forms just a hobby to a group of people.

A group of people are there, who don't believe in marriages. They think, just saath-phera is not enough to say a relationship is strong, it's the union of mind...actually, no need of marriages. But if they can assure, they will keep all promises of a married couple, then it's Ok. But I think, people who think so is only rare and majority of people do believe in marriages even if they are following this modern strategy. Am I not right????

Sandhya, occurrence of AIDS cannot be blamed entirely on live-in relationships. Do you know that the major cause of AIDS is because of men visiting red light areas and then they pass it on to their legally married wives??? Did you know this fact?

Also, people do not live together as a hobby. they do it out of love for each other.[/quote] does not belong to live-together relationships only. Am saying, its one among the causes.
Yes, I know, majority is through such 'visits' and it's applicable to both married and unmarried persons.

Meera sandhu
I stated, "Even if many youngsters believe in live-together relationships, majority of them do believe in marriages even if they are following this modern strategy." If asked, they will say, we will get married at appropriate time.
Am I right or not????

If they believe in marriages, why can't they live together after registering it, no need for performing any rituals of any religion.......if they don't believe so......

Meera sandhu
Live together relationship is also in India but that lies hidden. Many people prefer western culture. Being an Indian, I have traditional and orthodoxy thinking about marriage. I strongly dislike live-in practices. I have different meaning of these words which is not at all suitable to write openly in public.
Friends I want to point out one thing - Live-in relationship has nothing to do with break up in marriage. These two are totally different.
If someone break-up marriage, he will definately break-up live-in relationship, if he has choosen for the later/former. You cannot judge your relationship with someone just like that.
Love has nothing to do with body. It is emotional feelings. Friendship is very important to keep the patch up. If someone has tendency to break, he will always break. People should be serious in love relations. It seems as if they are having fun.
Marriage means to have children and family members. Live-in is western culture still it does not say that you can't have children and family. Live-in means to live together without getting married. Simultaneously, you can also have family, responsibility and children.
still now, no one has given me suitable reasons to prove it's right.
Yet, i was to add one more thing.
It's just a personal matter and we should never intervene in them, if those persons are not a part of our family or dear ones

Meera sandhu
I am not approve living together relationships. I hate these type of culture.

very dangerous culture. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I am not approve living together relationships. I hate these type of culture.

very dangerous culture. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Yes, we should give respect to our culture ...also our family's interests too...
We can't hurt our dear ones with our behaviours '''let it be right or wrong...yet, we can't hurt them. Isn't it????

Meera sandhu
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