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I am still buying Second had books. Last Month i bought 1 Book. Yes,definitely it is much cheaper.

I too do that, buy at least one or two books each month and by the end of the year it becomes a good collection and since it is not all that expensive you really dont mind the money spent on it,,,In fact I never feel bad spending money on books , second hand or even new :)

Same here. I too don't feel bad about spending money on books and I also make it a point to buy a book or two every month. What I like about collecting books is the fact that we can enjoy them again and again if its a good book
Yes, I also buy books specially novels and magazines at second hand book stalls.
Spending money on good books its all time good.

Be positive
Some of the really old second hand book stalls stock up old atlases and books on travel which are just not available now. I came across an old Atlas that is really large at 30" by 24" , brought out by Readers Digest in the early seventies ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Buying books at second hand shops will help students from a middle class background very much.. we can also save a lot of money.. quality of the books varies with the place.. I usually but books like these..

Buying books at second hand shops will help students from a middle class background very much.. we can also save a lot of money.. quality of the books varies with the place.. I usually but books like these..

Thats very true saranya, there are some who really love books but are not able to afford it and they can do so at second hand book stalls since they are relatively cheaper.In my city we also have sale organised by local communities where we all contribute with whatever we want to sell including books and all the smaller items including books are priced no higher that Rs 50 ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Buying books at second hand shops will help students from a middle class background very much.. we can also save a lot of money.. quality of the books varies with the place.. I usually but books like these..

Thats very true saranya, there are some who really love books but are not able to afford it and they can do so at second hand book stalls since they are relatively cheaper.In my city we also have sale organised by local communities where we all contribute with whatever we want to sell including books and all the smaller items including books are priced no higher that Rs 50 ..

Now this is something worth implementing everywhere, contributing books towards sale, I really like that. We do have a books kitty kind of thing but in my locality not many are interested for lack of interest in books!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Every one cannot buy a new book as this second hand book stalls will help us to buy the same book with less price which will be help to gain some good knowledge.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

For those who do not have any second hand books shops close by, there is now a good online source. My brother found this website from where you can buy second hand books. From what I can see, you can even determine the condition of any book beforehand! Nice, isn't it? :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

For those who do not have any second hand books shops close by, there is now a good online source. My brother found this website from where you can buy second hand books. From what I can see, you can even determine the condition of any book beforehand! Nice, isn't it? :)

Thats Great Kalyani ! Thanks a lot for providing the link ! A real treat for book lovers ! I will go through the site and get myself registered ...definitely something that we should tell others as well ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

For those who do not have any second hand books shops close by, there is now a good online source. My brother found this website from where you can buy second hand books. From what I can see, you can even determine the condition of any book beforehand! Nice, isn't it? :)

Thats Great Kalyani ! Thanks a lot for providing the link ! A real treat for book lovers ! I will go through the site and get myself registered ...definitely something that we should tell others as well ...

Glad you liked it, let me know if you are able to order books successfully as I haven't yet found time to register on it myself. I just explored it after my brother told me about it!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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