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some times, quality books by famous authors are available at second hand shops. There are such book stalls near my work place. Some times, I visit these and if find any useful book, I buy one.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

some times, quality books by famous authors are available at second hand shops. There are such book stalls near my work place. Some times, I visit these and if find any useful book, I buy one.

Once I found an old thesaurus , a UK edition in a book stall which was nearly in tatters, got it for 20 rupees since no one wanted it.I got it bound and neatened up and it is like a collectors item now..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are many second hand book stall in our area ,they sale second hand with some new. In first hand book stall there is no concession but in second hand stall 15 to 20 % concession is available.I purchase many books there.
There are many second hand book stall in our area ,they sale second hand with some new. In first hand book stall there is no concession but in second hand stall 15 to 20 % concession is available.I purchase many books there.

One thing I notice is that in many second hand book stalls , the popular ones , the bestsellers are priced quite high and some relatively unknown but more weighty books are sold for a very low price since there are not many buyers for that kind of books..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

There are many second hand book stall in our area ,they sale second hand with some new. In first hand book stall there is no concession but in second hand stall 15 to 20 % concession is available.I purchase many books there.

One thing I notice is that in many second hand book stalls , the popular ones , the bestsellers are priced quite high and some relatively unknown but more weighty books are sold for a very low price since there are not many buyers for that kind of books..

That's true. Once I came across a novel by Agatha Christie in one of the second hand book stall at Delhi. The shopkeeper refused to sell it for less than Rs 200. while the less popular ones were being sold for just Rs 20. So, I purchased a brand new Agatha Christie novel from the normal book store with additional amount.
Sometimes purchasing a second hand book can be risky if we buy it in haste- some pages might be missing or torn. So, normally I take my time while buying the second hand books to add to my home library.
There are many second hand book stall in our area ,they sale second hand with some new. In first hand book stall there is no concession but in second hand stall 15 to 20 % concession is available.I purchase many books there.

One thing I notice is that in many second hand book stalls , the popular ones , the bestsellers are priced quite high and some relatively unknown but more weighty books are sold for a very low price since there are not many buyers for that kind of books..

That's true. Once I came across a novel by Agatha Christie in one of the second hand book stall at Delhi. The shopkeeper refused to sell it for less than Rs 200. while the less popular ones were being sold for just Rs 20. So, I purchased a brand new Agatha Christie novel from the normal book store with additional amount.
Sometimes purchasing a second hand book can be risky if we buy it in haste- some pages might be missing or torn. So, normally I take my time while buying the second hand books to add to my home library.

Even cheaper children books and old magazines are available at discount. The magazines on fashion and style and story books are worth buying even if one year or more old.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There are many second hand book stall in our area ,they sale second hand with some new. In first hand book stall there is no concession but in second hand stall 15 to 20 % concession is available.I purchase many books there.

One thing I notice is that in many second hand book stalls , the popular ones , the bestsellers are priced quite high and some relatively unknown but more weighty books are sold for a very low price since there are not many buyers for that kind of books..

That's true. Once I came across a novel by Agatha Christie in one of the second hand book stall at Delhi. The shopkeeper refused to sell it for less than Rs 200. while the less popular ones were being sold for just Rs 20. So, I purchased a brand new Agatha Christie novel from the normal book store with additional amount.
Sometimes purchasing a second hand book can be risky if we buy it in haste- some pages might be missing or torn. So, normally I take my time while buying the second hand books to add to my home library.

Even cheaper children books and old magazines are available at discount. The magazines on fashion and style and story books are worth buying even if one year or more old.

Very true,I have bought quite a few old editions of Woman and Home , the sixties issues from a second hand book store in Bangalore, also very old Tin tin comics which my son adores...Gardening and cookery books can be bought for a bargain ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Unbelievably I got an entire collection of the Sherlock Holmes stories in extremely good condition for a mere rs. 200! Sometimes you really get very very good books at throwaway prices, only thing being you need to spend some time scouring the dusty shelves. :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I am still buying Second had books. Last Month i bought 1 Book. Yes,definitely it is much cheaper.

Want to make each day Accountable

Unbelievably I got an entire collection of the Sherlock Holmes stories in extremely good condition for a mere rs. 200! Sometimes you really get very very good books at throwaway prices, only thing being you need to spend some time scouring the dusty shelves. :laugh:

There is a really old second hand book stall in bangalore which is in a galli near Avenue road known to be a very congested have to climb narrow winding iron stair case to reach it.There are 3 narrow floors filled with an amazing collection of books and when you enter you are lost.But the shop keeper is able to find at least some of the books you ask for in a matter of minutes or at least directs you towards it, then of course it depends on you :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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