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For those who do not have any second hand books shops close by, there is now a good online source. My brother found this website from where you can buy second hand books. From what I can see, you can even determine the condition of any book beforehand! Nice, isn't it? :)

Thats Great Kalyani ! Thanks a lot for providing the link ! A real treat for book lovers ! I will go through the site and get myself registered ...definitely something that we should tell others as well ...

Glad you liked it, let me know if you are able to order books successfully as I haven't yet found time to register on it myself. I just explored it after my brother told me about it!

Here is another one for people who are interested in such sites

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I don't prefer second hand books because they are dirty and contains lots of germs. Most of the pages are not proper, it is either torn or hapazedly arranged. I prefer new brand books.
Probably you have not found the right places to buy old books. There are some places all over our country where they keep them as fresh as new and as perfect as they come from printing houses.

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I don't prefer second hand books because they are dirty and contains lots of germs. Most of the pages are not proper, it is either torn or hapazedly arranged. I prefer new brand books.

I don't think you have visited many second hand book stalls and know much about it , that's why you are saying that ! For your information, Second hand book business is a very big industry in India and in fact in most places in the world. Books are no doubt handled by many people like in any other book stall new or old and germs too , if there are any would be the same as anywhere...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I don't prefer second hand books because they are dirty and contains lots of germs. Most of the pages are not proper, it is either torn or hapazedly arranged. I prefer new brand books.

I don't think you have visited many second hand book stalls and know much about it , that's why you are saying that ! For your information, Second hand book business is a very big industry in India and in fact in most places in the world. Books are no doubt handled by many people like in any other book stall new or old and germs too , if there are any would be the same as anywhere...

I have bought most of my books from used book centers or even from footpaths. You know Janpath in Delhi is full of such venders where we can get such books at throw away prices.

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I bought less books from second hand book stalls. I bought new books which is a costly ones.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

I don't prefer second hand books because they are dirty and contains lots of germs. Most of the pages are not proper, it is either torn or hapazedly arranged. I prefer new brand books.

Its your choice if you prefer BRAND NEW BOOKS. But you seems to have lot of misconception about second hand books. No doubt, you might have come across few of the torn books being sold , but it might surprise you to know that most of the books sold are in good conditions. But what I find very amusing is your misconception regarding the presence of germs. :) Like second hand books, New books are also being handled by many people- salesmen, customers who come and browse the books etc. So, they might also be having germs. So how do you manage that?? :)
Good novels may be available in second hand book stalls.
Good novels may be available in second hand book stalls.

For sure, i have bought many books/novels at footpath booksellers where I have found right from Tolstoy to Chekhov and Seldon to Agatha. I saw some books, which I would never know otherwise. Thanks to used booksellers who collected them from embassy staffers when they were leaving for their own countries.

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Good novels may be available in second hand book stalls.

Not just novels, but many non fictions including academic books. In fact, many school and college students who could not afford a brand new books regularly visit the second hand stalls. After they have used it, they can sell it back to them.
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