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I think it should be taught in the schools and should be a compulsory subject there. :) May be then only they could learn it. :)
It should be compulsary subject according to studies government must take this decision.

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It should be compulsary subject according to studies government must take this decision.

I also think it should be a necessary sublect like health education.I think this will help alot to lessen the crimes against women. :)
you are right sanjeev, if self defense will be an important subject withour studies then most of the crime will get reduce especially for women

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Government should think over it. :)

At least in Delhi where the crime rate is so high than any other state they must try it here. :)
SJ.. I have heard that in Delhi Crimes are more.. I don't know is it true or not , all got from new.. Is it true?

SJ.. I have heard that in Delhi Crimes are more.. I don't know is it true or not , all got from new.. Is it true?

Yes it is.In Delhi its not safe to go out of our houses late night. :evil:

Even the Delhi police is doing good but still they are not able to reduce crimes here. :)
i remember in my school days one of my teacher gave us(girls) some knowledge and tricks on how to self defense.

SJ.. I have heard that in Delhi Crimes are more.. I don't know is it true or not , all got from new.. Is it true?

Yes it is.In Delhi its not safe to go out of our houses late night. :evil:

Even the Delhi police is doing good but still they are not able to reduce crimes here. :)

That's sad.. Here there is quite less crimes in that case.

even im afraid of this fact because i sometimes feel scared when i think that what if i have to do my mba from delhi because nowadays its no more safe for girls.

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