Should Women Learn Self defense to save them from others?

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No doubt, women should learn techniques of self defence and be more self confident. Also, the exaggerated importance of female chastity and modesty should be combated. It is the fear of losing modesty and chastity that makes women more vulnerable. A man does not suffer emotionally even if he is a victim.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Ji how this is implemented also give suggestions on this one also.

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Gulshan Ji how this is implemented also give suggestions on this one also.

First let us see what is the issue with women safety. Men also travel in bus and train. even a man is not stronger than three or more other men. Thus men also are not safe. A man can also be physically assaulted. Still the women are more unsafe.

The reason is that women fear more about modesty and chastity. The exaggerated notion of female chastity should be fought. A woman's chastity is also like man's celibacy. If a man is not bothered about outrage, woman should also not be. She should not feel guilty of herself even after rape and should lead normal life as before.

As regards self defence, women may also train themselves in fighting techniques like karate as men do.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This should be learned by the girls from school stage only. So they can save themselves from others.

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Sasikanth Wrote:

[quote]This should be learned by the girls from school stage only. So they can save themselves from others.[/quote]
Yes this should be started from school.
I do agree. Every women should be trained with self defense so that she can protect herself and even others.

sasi please edit the forum heading. It is not defence it is defense

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes today women are along with the man in every field of life.They must learn the act of self defence.This is the only Field that a women searching for some help if they face any problem.In fact there are many training Institution,Gym Specially for women go there and learn the act of self defence.
Government must implement karate classes in each and every school especially for girls for free. So this cases will dissolve from our society.

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yes , sasi you are right government should include karate classes in the school syllabus.

I planning to establish a school in future then I will surely include karate in their syllabus.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes .It is mandatory that each woman either she resides in home for whole day or goes out for work must learn self defence otherwise this cruel world will never let her live.
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