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I was Extremely happy if someone Return My child day back.Again I want to live my child day.

This discussion is about a precious thing you got back, not about a precious thing you want back.
Read carefully before posting answers. :P

Meera sandhu
Yes Sandhya I had happened this miracle in my life i.e is my wife I loved her about five years but she loved only 1 month before our marriage.

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Yes Sandhya I had happened this miracle in my life i.e is my wife I loved her about five years but she loved only 1 month before our marriage.

Sachiiiiii :woohoo: ?
Really amazing. But a question arises.
What did she saw in you that last 30 days that she changed her mind and run away from her parents, with you? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think both the stories of Swetha and Sasi are really wonderful.

My marriage was with a person, who was one year senior to me at degree, whom I see everyday at college for 2 years. :laugh:
Yet we can't identify that we two were made each other. :( After 5 years, we found each other in the form of a 'pakka' arranged marriage. :cheer:

Meera sandhu
I have lost a pen which was given by mother on my matriculation.After 21 years my daughter found it in divan and gave me.I felt very happy at that moment and I gifted that to my daughter and she destroyed.
Sandhya that is the miracle happened in my life. So I called it as a precious thing in my life.

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I have lost a pen which was given by mother on my matriculation.After 21 years my daughter found it in divan and gave me.I felt very happy at that moment and I gifted that to my daughter and she destroyed.

:laugh: It is really sad.

Meera sandhu
Sandhya born of love may take 1 sec 1 min 1 year or life long just this is happened here.

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Sandhya born of love may take 1 sec 1 min 1 year or life long just this is happened here.

"A love to be born, it needs just 1 second.
But our eyes fill with tears in its thoughts-
For the whole years to come
It may be changed to a swayamvaram
Or may shed just as a dream" A Malayalam film song :)

Meera sandhu
After our marriage I felt some problems now all our problems are clear and we are happy now.

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After our marriage I felt some problems now all our problems are clear and we are happy now.

Soon after a love marriage, it requires a little time to get settled if they don't get support from parents. But taking it as a challenge and preparing it as your own, requires more strength and mental power and it will really help to face much more difficult situations in future, for sure. :)

Meera sandhu
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