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My precious thing I got back is my life. I said already I was about to meet with an accidents while returning from tirupati on a hill. But by gods grace we all are got saved

Nothing is precious than life itself so you actually got the most precious thing in the life.
My precious thing I got back is my life. I said already I was about to meet with an accidents while returning from tirupati on a hill. But by gods grace we all are got saved

Nothing is precious than life itself so you actually got the most precious thing in the life.

If we extend this sentence and become a little philosophic, we can say "Each moment of our life, we are living between life and death as a pendulum oscillating in uniform speed between a breath intake and breath given. Isn't it? i.e. At the time of intake of a breath, we are living and at giving it out every time, actually we are dying for a moment. Isn't it? The moment when those given air doesn't return back to our body, we stop the journey of our life. Isn't it?"
So, each breath is a precious thing which is returning back to us every second which is the most precious thing of our life.....actually it is returning back our life itself.....which is not worthy at all....even if we have whole precious things of the world inside our closed hand :)

Meera sandhu
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
My precious thing I got back is my life. I said already I was about to meet with an accidents while returning from tirupati on a hill. But by gods grace we all are got saved

I think God is with you and he always protects you. I wish you best.

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My precious thing I got back is my life. I said already I was about to meet with an accidents while returning from tirupati on a hill. But by gods grace we all are got saved

I think God is with you and he always protects you. I wish you best.

That means god exist.
i dont remember if i got anything back i only missed.but im now on a way to get back few of my precious things back which now i never want to lose.

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