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No sanjeev..50 paise is there. It has not disappeared yet

Not in our area in NCR, even a beggar would refuse it.

we can't give below 2....sorry ....5 rupees now a days :woohoo:

It is real shame if some beggar come at home and we give him/her 2 rs.
Some won't be happy even if we give them 10. They will stay at door and begin to say something, which makes me really irritated :angry: :angry: :angry:

I am saying truth...don't consider i am new neighbours always give 10, 50, 100 etc....and I was really shocked, first time a beggar came to my new home....I gave her 5 with happiness. But she became angry... I saw my neighbours giving 10 and 50.
Seeing this, I felt shy... :P ..But I didn't give more :P :P :P

I normally don't give money to the beggars whom i feel should not beg.Those whom i see are helpless and can't earn by their own i give them money. :)

You did exactly right thing my father don't allow us to give money to beggars as he says why they are begging when they are fit and can earn anywhere by doing some work. :)

Sanjeev I found a new business, we can both go to Kerala and ask for money. They give 10/ each suppose we go to 500 places every day that makes it 5000/ wot say? We shall have some fun at Kovalam every night and earn in the morning. Even we can save some amount while we come back.

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My husband's house is just 1-2 kms away from Kovalam resorts.
Actually, we are very near to sea

Meera sandhu
My husband's house is just 1-2 kms away from Kovalam resorts.
Actually, we are very near to sea

More fun, we can stay with him for free and start our day with a tenner from him. I think that will be our sign of good day, earning from the first point.

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My husband's house is just 1-2 kms away from Kovalam resorts.
Actually, we are very near to sea

More fun, we can stay with him for free and start our day with a tenner from him. I think that will be our sign of good day, earning from the first point.

We are now at Thrissur...So, no option for you :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Think so we should go to Kerala as i have seen hardly people giving 10 rs note to a beggar here in Delhi :) .here people hardly give 1 Rs coin. :)
Think so we should go to Kerala as i have seen hardly people giving 10 rs note to a beggar here in Delhi :) .here people hardly give 1 Rs coin. :)

So our next trip is final, we are booking our trip in mid of April when I come back from Bangalore. lets have fun in Kerala. Don't worry I know every place there.

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So our next trip is final, we are booking our trip in mid of April when I come back from Bangalore. lets have fun in Kerala. Don't worry I know every place there.

Me too Me too...:woohoo: :woohoo:

Let i also accompany with both of you on your trip :) i didnt know any place on kerala :(

Never mind, this place is in straight lin, we shall start from Kozikod and shall end up in Thruvantpuram. in between are , Allepy, Kottayam and kovalam.

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So our next trip is final, we are booking our trip in mid of April when I come back from Bangalore. lets have fun in Kerala. Don't worry I know every place there.

Me too Me too...:woohoo: :woohoo:

Let i also accompany with both of you on your trip :) i didnt know any place on kerala :(

You are so near to Kerala. But you don't know it :angry: :angry: :angry:
But you travel the whole India and take nice photos :angry: :angry: :angry: :P

Meera sandhu
My precious thing I got back is my life. I said already I was about to meet with an accidents while returning from tirupati on a hill. But by gods grace we all are got saved

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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