How to maintain cleanliness in public places?
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cleanliness should start with us in public places. The authority who is taking care of public places should keep a restriction that they should not make the public place untidy or else they will be fines as in united states there is a rule, if they one threw dust on the road they will fined or even put in jail.

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Thank you very much sarala and hope everyone should practice the same.
To maintain cleanliness,all of us should take steps.We should not spit in the public or put wastes on the road.This can be done by increasing the number of dustbins on the road and punishing the people who do not obey it.
All should feel responsibility about this.As we start the others will follow us.Nice suggestion by sarala.

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Every one should be responsible enough to maintain cleanliness and hygene at public places by following some basic rules for the same.
We should be well aware of the public cleanliness first.For this public has to be taught the lessons of cleaning and those who make it shabby should be punished.

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This is the very big problem in our country, The uneducated people don`t know the effect of this uncleanliness.. Educating the people can solve this issues....
one should use trash to throw out their garbage while visiting in public places.
When my neighbour visited Malasia for employment he told that the roads are too clean that will tempt you to sleep there!!!

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Public places should be considered as our home only as they are the public's places.The way we take good care of small things to ensure cleanliness, similarly we can do there also. Combined effort will bring about the change.

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