Again, there are different methods that can be helpful in remerging points for different subjects. You can also use a combination of methods, and see which one suit you best.
A method may be better suited to a subject or task. For example, diagrams are good for remembering concepts.
Let us look at a few common methods to improve memory, and help in remembering facts.
Mnemonics: this is a method of hiding facts in a simple line or poem, which is easy to remember. It is an old method of memorizing lists and organizing them by linking new facts to actual events, words, etc. sometimes, they are funny, and so, easier to remember.
For example: - here is a short sentence: naughty elephants squirt water. Can you guess what it would help you remember? It reminds us of the four directions/points of the compass. Moreover, it tells us of the order when taken clockwise.
Here is an example which can help science students who have to learn the muscles of the shoulder. SITS uses the first letter of each of the 4 muscles, and also reminds of their location in order. It is said that anyone who hurts these muscles SITS out from games and sports. Therefore, this is a creative and useful memory tool.
It is said that the best mnemonics are generally personal ones that you create yourself! You can even imagine the imagery, such as an elephant with a compass! Some people remember better if there is an image and story in their minds.
Diagrams: many people say that using diagrams helps them remember facts clearly, as they can see the picture in their minds. Diagrams can be used to put all the information together, and organize it. One way to do this is to draw the diagram while study the material, so the points are summarized. A quick glance at the diagram cans then serve as revision.
Apart from the simple diagrams, there is another kind, called the spider diagrams, or clusters. You will come across these tools in the higher classes. They are especially useful planning essays, projects, narratives, etc. as they link concepts together.
Flash cards-: you may have seen small children learning letters/words through flashcards, and wonder why we are talking about them here. Flashcards can be used effectively even for older students, to help them revise. When you are summarizing what you have studied, you can note down the main points on small cards, which help you remember the gist of the matter. They are useful for last minute reading, since they focus on what you know and help to fresh your memory.
With the right attitude and knowledge of some study skills, you can actually enjoy your studies and get the maximum benefit from them.