Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

The Diwali is a festival of lights and illuminations. It comes off in the month of October or November. Then the winter season sets in. There is a change of season. People whitewash their house and shops. In Northern India, people begin to sleep...

Introduction: The word ‘advertise’ is derived from the Latin word ‘advertere’ which means ‘notice’. So advertisement means ‘notification’. In the modern age, advertisement is a kind of self-recommendation. The most successful businessman is he who...

Earthquake, Flood, Drought and Tsunami all are natural calamities. But Tsunami is more dreadful of all. Tsunami is a Japanese word. It is formed with the help of two words Tsu+Nami . Tsu means port and Nami means terrible sea waves.  So in...

Introduction: We, the human beings, look upon Nature as our friend and helper in the struggle for experience. The most valuable gifts of nature are mountains and rivers. Numberless are the products that we get from them throughout the year. Our...

“Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” is known as AIDS. It is said to be the latest dreaded malady of the present century. For the first time it was found in a male adult in California in 1981. It took into its grip by 13lakh people by 1993. About...

India is a democratic country. In democracy people make the government after every five years. Those persons who govern the country are selected by the people of that country. Dr. Manmohan Singh was born in a village named Gaah, situated in center...

Introduction: Time is the greatest possession of a man. Other possessions and articles can be bought, retained and exchanged, but time can neither be purchased nor can be retained or exchanged. Time once lost is lost forever. The loss of time is...

It is the age of Cable T.V. It has come to stay. Now, the T.V performers are agog with fun and frolic all the twenty-four hours. All the channels of T.V are loaded with news, views and entertainment. The world of recreation is at your finger’s...

It has been man’s yearning since time immemorial to fly beyond the sky and the horizon and travel in the space. In 1961, a Russian, Yuri Gagarin went into the space very successfully.On April 3, 1984 Sqn Leader Rakesh Sharma also travelled in the...

Introduction-Newspaper as a necessity: the reading of newspapers is a part and parcel of the life of a modern man. It gives us information about everything important which happens in any part of our country and the world. Through newspapers, we...

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