Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Learning is an art and to learn anything one has to become thorough with the study material required for it. Studying or reading books, grasping the information provided in those books, help us to gain knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is the first...

We as human beings expect all the time from every one around us. This is because we have developed within ourselves a belief that we all live in a society and thus it is fine to depend on others and form all sorts of expectations from others. Thus,...

In today's world we seem to control everything. We have become masters of everything that we see around us. Our constant efforts that we have put in developing various things can be seen in speedy progress that has led to various achievements in...

Karma means work. It is task that we perform throughout our day. It is not only related to physical aspect but also mental aspect too. The thoughts we create towards others or regarding ourselves in day to day life all includes in karma. Physically...

Today stress and tension has become an integral part of our life style. A few decades ago, it was seen that only during times of crisis and tough time people would suffer from stress. Rest of the period they would live calmly, very stably. However,...

We all are masters of our glorious soul. Throughout our lives we tend to win a few battles whereas lose rest. However, no other glory can stand and shine in front of our glorious soul. No one can measure this glory. It is important that we come in...

In today's miserable life, each one of us is in search of real happiness. We make constant efforts to achieve happiness and keep it with us. None of us would deny this truth that they need happiness in their lives. In this struggle of achieving...

Traditional Farming Traditional Farming, a farming, that involves locally available bio- degradable materials and combine scientific knowledge Subhash Palekar, who was born in the district of Amaravati, in the village of Belora two years after...

The Indian state is facing a new form of threat that has started after India broke Pakistan by actively supporting the creation of Bangladesh. Everybody knows ( as mentioned by General Musharraf in an interview) that Indian special forces were...

The Indian armed forces, more particularly the army have a long history of valor and bravery. The present Indian army traces it's lineage to the days of the British Raj, represented first by the East India Company and later by the British crown....

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