Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Honesty is the best policy as all good and upright men say and affirm. Honesty pays in the long run. You cannot hide or conceal the sun. It is bound to rise. It is to shine brightly on the firmament (sky). Dark clouds cannot cover it for long.An...

The nature has ability of repair and renewal in thousands of small and large areas across our country. But successes are proving temporary as ambitious Indians place their commercial self interest above those of nation.We have sparkling productive...

Introduction: After independence, revolutionary change has taken place in the position and power of women. According to our Constitution, men and women have equal fundamental rights. To our great delight and surprise, women, had surpassed men in...

Man has progressed through science and technology. Now with scientific knowledge and technical know-how he has done what was impossible. He has reached the moon. He is on the road to conquer other planets. What was difficult and impossible is now...

The very word ‘Computer’ sends a wave of thrill and excitement. This is a great addition to the advancement of knowledge. It has touched every branch of it. Without its use, the life appears to be dull and dreary. We will be certainly dubbed...

Terrorism is derived from the word “terror”. The meaning of terror is ‘extreme fear’. Those persons who make atmosphere of extreme fear among masses are called terrorist. They prevail terror in society by doing evil works. These type of deeds or...

India is a democratic country. In democracy, people make the government for the people. Those persons who govern the country are selected by the people. They are the representatives of general public because they are purely connected with people....

Introduction: In Hindu mythology, we come across the story of Pushpak Viman, the flying chariot which originally belonged to Kuvera, the Yaksha chief and later came into the possession of the devil King, Ravan. Lord Rama, after defeating Ravan,...

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy is one of the fearful calamities of the world of 20th century. This tragedy occurred on December 3, 1984 in Bhopal. Union Carbide Pesticide factory is located in the heart of Bhopal. This factory is U.S based multinational...

Good manners are a part and parcel of a civilized life. They are the very backbone of a civilized society. They give each of us a high place in any company. A man is known by the good behavior he shows. A good-mannered person is the darling of...

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