Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Any incident which can cause damage to life, property and environment may be termed as disaster. The disaster may be natural as well as man-made. The disaster management is related to reduce the level of damage caused by disaster.The natural...

Today, the great Mother is not among us. She has gone to her heavenly abode. But her sacred halo and permanent influence are to remain with us for all times to come. Her kindness and compassion are the cherished gems which the grateful humanity...

Introduction: There is a cry for industrialization all over India. The Indian Government’s Fifteen Year Reconstruction Plan for India, t he Bombay Plan, and all the other recent plans of the National Government as well as the State Governments have...

Introduction: Salesmanship is an art of selling goods. It helps the manufacturer or the employer and the employee or the salesman equally. This art can be cultivated. In highly industrialized countries like U.S.A and England, salesmanship has...

Introduction: In the words of Thomas Carlyle, “The history of mankind is the story of great men who have led it. Men, who by their infinite genius have shaped their destines of nations and in doing so have achieved undying fame. Lokmanya Tilak...

ly God teaches us that body, world, universe are all mortal. One or the other day, there will come an end to everything. We care too much about ourselves. We try to make our body look beautiful. We are beautifying ourselves with various cosmetic...

Introduction: The young men of today are the citizens of tomorrow. In course of time, they will take the place of our present leaders and administrators. What a nation would be in future depends upon how her young men and women would be themselves...

INTRODUCTION: Liberty of thought of expression is the greatest right of a man living in a civilized society. The society or the nation which does not grant this right cannot claim to be civilized. Every man should have the right to think for...

Underlying principle of Crowd Funding. What is Crowd Funding? Crowd Funding is the offshoot of the age old noble policy of "Give and Take." Somebody helps us. We reciprocate it by helping someone or even more. The practice of " Giving and...

“Rome was not built in a day” is a very common and oft-quoted proverb. This proverb is an indication of long patience to get success in a particular pursuit. There was a time when Rome was supposed to be the most civilized and beautiful city of the...

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