Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Immediately after spelling the word rain or raining will make us to feel chillness in all over our body. It is but natural. Of course, the rain is the main reason for the growth of the plants and trees to feed the human beings. We can just feel...

It is immaterial as to how long a person lived in this world. What his achievements during his living period are the question before us. It is easy to eat to our taste if such substances have been prepared well and place before us. A moment of...

Introduction: We are enjoying so many conveniences after the introduction of information technology. Today’s advancement in this field has made us not to wander for getting so many needs. Instead, our requirements are delivered at our door steps....

It has been a long time that I went to see any movie in a theatre. But here is an account of my last visit to a theatre where the movie was not that interesting, so I started making a mental note of people who visit a theatre and what personality...

In a country where there are celebrations all year round.  In a country where people have so many occasions to look forward to, in a country which speaks so many languages, a true multi-lingual, multi-religious country, packed with people of...

Man lives from his birth to death relying on the Nature. He weeps at his entrance in the world. From then onwards during his growth every act depends upon his mental condition prevailing at various times. Oh! How many matters the mind of a man is...

All of us must have faced some amount of workplace distraction, how do you cope with it? In a workplace you have colleague who over time also play the role of being friends. However, few of them become constant source of distraction. These kinds...

Today most of the people are seen spending their weekends or evenings and even mornings in malls. When it comes to spending your weekend with friends and family, shopping mall comes to many as their first choice. The best place to spend your...

A comparison of several lives in the world proves that only the name and fame will be remembered by one and all up to the end of the Universe.  One is born in a rich family and the other in a poor family why? There is no answer. One gets...

People are often seen using the words job and career as synonyms but are they really synonymous? Well, let’s look at it in detail. A job is also known as an occupation, employment, or also livelihood. A person can take up a job or several jobs in...

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