Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Just think about the great mishap, which could have happened if the Supreme Court hadn’t issued a stay order. Today Tamil Nadu might have released all the seven murderers of our ex Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Look at the audacity of Tamil Nadu’s...

Introduction: Training is always a good thing. But what you call orientation training involves in mental change in the context of changing time, and it is not easy to understand the new world, which is the world of science. The real purpose of...

A prayer. Dawn is when all are awake. "Even when you are cursed by penury Surrounded by darkness Dawn is when all are awake." This the sonorous chorus of voices, that echo in the air on  the Fifth day of every month exactly at the stroke...

Creme de la creme Stephen Elop, CEO, Nokia, Steve Melnikoff CEO  qualcomm, John Donahue, CEO E bay, Paul Maritz, CEO VM ware, Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President Google, Satya Nadella, Head, Cloud computing division, Microsoft. This...

A state of hesitation, doubt and fear. For those who are at the threshold of 20s, it’s that phase of life, where uncertainty rules the roost. It’s the stage, where confusion hovers around the minds of this lot. This lot is not aware about...

The measuring rod for a country’s progress and development is the ‘integrity’ factor of both its Rulers and Ruled. If the rulers are visionaries, if the precious natural resources are effectively utilized, If the the spirit of ebullience and...

It is essential for a man to have certain values in life. Life can be without values. There is no meaning of such life and there is no meaning in living such valueless life. These values build up our character. They form the foundation of our...

When you see a lapse in the society, as a responsible citizen you correct it through proper channel. Of course it’s not possible many times to correct the lapses in the society. But remaining indifferent to the injustice and atrocities is...

In the world of media, news and printed press all you hear is about the awful incidents happening all around you. But sometime there comes a surprising yet joyful news that fill your heart with happiness and restore your faith in human goodness....

It is said that busy man is a healthy man and an idle mind is a devil's workshop. Idleness affects mental health as well as physical health of course. Work produces optimistic ideas within an individual. Work is God's gift and thus should be...

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