Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

The recent terrorist attacks on French soil are an eye opener. The French capital was hit by a wave of attacks, that left over 130 people dead. The French were astonished and now we learn that gun battles have taken place in a Paris  suburb,...

The entire Middle East is in ferment and Iraq along with Syria are facing a civil war of immense magnitude. The ISI and its sister organizations have spread murder, rape and mayhem in the entire region. The saddest news is that coptic Christians...

The cow is a symbol of peace and tranquility in Hinduism.  It is closely identified with Hindu thought and lore. Having written this, I will add that many Hindus really have no feelings for a cow and tens of them roam the cities and villages...

Management of personal expenses is the most difficult task for a common man. The best way to manage the monthly expense is to reduce or cut down your expenses without affecting your personal standard. Following tips will help to reduce your...

The Trust Therapy Those were the days of Second World War. Bombs are hurled.Buildings are falling down like pack of cards. Cries of agony, pain and torture are reverberating. Broken limbs, severed heads are heaping up. Medical teams and voluntary...

What makes this tiny Village Dharmaj,unique in more than one ways ? Generally, when one hears the word ' Village', the picture that flashes in to mind is a hamlet filled with thatched huts, narrow muddy roads and village bellies carrying earthen...

No matter what circumstances arise, we should never lose our temper. Circumstances are the reward of our deeds. Good deeds lead to good circumstances and evil deeds of ours will bring unfavorable circumstances to us. In case of unfavorable...

On Jan 15 Thai pongal a special festival is celebrated in Tamil Nadu. It is a harvest festival, Pongal is celebrated in the following countries, Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, North America, South Africa, Mauritius by Tamilians...

In some culture it is good to make rangoli drawing during festivals. But for some others making rangoli is not prevalent at all. Some people in my neighborhood keep their doors wide open all day long and close it only after 10:30 in the evening/ at...

God helps us in many ways every time for our welfare; but, ways that God use every time are not same. That is reason, why it is said, "Bhagwan ki Lila Bhagwan he Jane". That means, only God knows how God's way is helping us; we do not understand it...

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