Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Today life is a continuous struggle for the pursuit of happiness. No one could grant you the gift of happiness. Only you are responsible for your happiness. You have to find the nugget of joy in this harsh world, filled with grief and misery. And...

Almost every religion teaches us  "Suicide is a sin." This  is an extreme act of cowardice. It takes courage to live and face the difficulties of life. But every day you could hear about many sad stories of suicide on the news. Every day...

University on Wheels. It’s a journey that makes the objectives and aspirations of your life come nearer. The journey of 8000 Km. A journey that acquaints you with the life of fifteen of the most inspiring personalities. A journey that awakens...

Passion for Fashion How the fashions change? Where the Momentum starts?  Where it reaches? Is there any fixed pattern in the process of evolution of Fashion world over? Finally is Fashion contagious? Before answering the questions,...

Your thoughts are powerful. Your mental thoughts create your physical realities. There are many books written on this subject. One of the earliest books ever written on this subject was by the mysterious man named James Allen. His inspirational...

In the upcoming general elections history will be made. As for the first time ever the voters between the ages of 18 and 19 will use their right to vote in a record breaking number. The population experts even claim that such a spectacle of large...

Human life has value and virtue because every human being has a purpose in life. Some may believe in destiny and some people believe that we create our own destiny but everyone agrees that a definite purpose gives meaning to our lives. And to...

During middle age, generally personality related changes occur. It's during this period, habits like drinking, smoking and gambling will form. Owing to these bad habits, middle aged people resort to  spending their valuable time in gambling...

The International women’s Day was celebrated for the first time in the year 1911 in Europe. During that period in many European nations and the United States, the issue of women’s rights was a political hot topic. Many women’s...

In India agriculture is reduced to an uneconomic proportion through extreme fragmentation of holdings. Co-operative farming is that land should be held and tilled and cultivated collectively by the owners who should also hold capital, tools,...

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