Miscellaneous blogs are eclectic digital spaces where creativity knows no bounds. These blogs defy categorization, celebrating the quirky, the unexpected, and the delightful.

Articles [Miscellaneous]

Metrosexuality has seeped into Indian men to the core. The term metrosexual has been a recent coinage and has been derived from metropolitan and heterosexuality –metrosexuality, coined by Mark Simpson in the year 1994. To those of who are still not...

Graham Bell wouldn’t have expected that his invention which had brought a major breakthrough in the history of communication, which opened the communication lines all over the world, would be replaced with cell phones in the future. With the advent...

Is color gender specific or gender free? Is pink a feminine color? Was blue always a masculine color or it is being ingrained in us right after our birth or even before we are born that certain colors are better off with a certain gender or look...

Language learning is an ongoing process and starts as soon as we are born. How does it happen, have you ever considered how did you come to speak the first word? Right after our birth we are exposed to cooing and baby talk by our parents and other...

Online consumerism is quietly seeping into our cyber generation to the core. Being a digital native, I agree that online shopping has made shopping easy and comfortable without having to be mobile. However, it has also paved way for unlimited...

As Indians, we are probably the most strange people.  We have braved wars, droughts, inflation, corruption, worst of times like floods, and what have you.  We have braved every single calamity that has come our way and we have have...

We as humans start facing innumerable difficulties right from the time of our birth. There seems no end to these troubles. Vedas have described different methods through which a person can get rid of his difficulties and achieve the path of...

India is a republic country. As per rules and powers laid down in our constitution, the rank of the president is topmost. The great personage Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam is one such scholar and a famous scientist who has got his name added in this list....

A library is a place where books are stocked on all subjects. It is a collection of books of all types. It is a treasure-house where the master minds of the entire world meet less than one roof. Here barriers of countries, climates are shaken. Here...

The very name of examination is mind boggling. We forget all what we have learnt by rot so far. Our yearly hard work seems to be slipping out of the brain. We behave like idiots. We look non-pulsed. We are badly bathed in perspiration. No way out...

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