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11 years ago
Opportunities are aplenty for any age group for those who have the ability to create opportunities where there are none.
11 years ago
Opportunities always knock the door for the people who is ready to work without considering their age. Those people who criticizing the jobs and telling unnecessary reason will not get the job.
11 years ago
It's like blaming the tools for the person's incapability. Many hide themselves under the guise of iincapabilty. And these are the people who want to enjoy the luxuries of life at the same time. Prove your mettle. The world welcomes you with open hands.
It's only inefficient workman blame the tools.
It's only inefficient workman blame the tools.
11 years ago
I agree with you. Microsoft leader bill gates said that his friend studied well and get an opportunity to work as an engineer to Microsoft and bill gates even did not qualify in some exams became the leader of Microsoft. We should analyse the cause of failure and think how to overcome from that. Nobody can beat us until we accept the failure.
11 years ago
The recruitment in government esp in its PSU's is done on merit and as per laid down procedures unlike in private companies where flexibility exists. However the problem in government is that its decision making process also has to follow a laid down procedure which makes it suffer vs private sector which is able to respond to changing external scenarios much faster. In competitive environment the government sector suffers. We must not forget the immense contribution of government organisations in heralding progress and growth in almost all sectors of Indian economy. The private sector usually enters after government companies have created the opportunities. Ultimately it is the employee who sees where he is more comfortable. A salaried employee can never be the boss in either private or public sector.
11 years ago
Once a job is secured in a government organization, there comes a grinding halt to the employee's personal abilities. Because of a monotonous work culture. And it goes until retirement. Even if the employee shows promise in his work, it's ignored. This is a trait that repels ambitious people. And they turn towards Private jobs where the employee's mettle and Merit is taken in to consideration. And for promoting such people there is no time restriction in Private organizations. In PSUs there is a time frame for promoting the employee.
There are instances of salaried employee in a private firm becoming a CEO of the organization.
There are instances of salaried employee in a private firm becoming a CEO of the organization.
11 years ago
True. Private jobs never expect bribe to finish the work. In govt some people are working with sincerity and doing their jobs without asking bribe and finishing their work at the right time. Another disadvantage of govt job is jobs are allocated based on caste.
11 years ago
It all culminates to one point. For an ambitious person who strives to excel, and who is ready to go that extra inch for his and organisation's development, there is nothing like Private organization.
11 years ago
Drawbacks are in every firm. Most of the software companies in India are private firms. Why pvt only lead in this industry because they day by day improving their product.
11 years ago
Drawbacks are in every firm. Most of the software companies in India are private firms. Why pvt only lead in this industry because they day by day improving their product.
A constant improvement of the product and innovative ways to boost the productivity that save a lot of amount to the organization is the trait conspicuously invisible in most of the PSUs, may be with one or two exceptions.
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