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11 years ago
there are different views of the people about government jobs and private jobs. Governments jobs are stable and there is a fixed salary, where as private jobs are with high pay but there is less job security as compared to govt. jobs. Which job you prefer a govt job or Private job?
Government Job are better as compared to private jobs. If you are working with full concentration in private job. Still you may loose job during recession.
11 years ago
In my view govt. job is better than pvt jobs. salary perks in a good positioned govt job is always better pvt jobs. :whistle: :whistle:
11 years ago
Those who cannot measure up to the organization's expectations will be shown exit anywhere be it in Government or Private organizations.
11 years ago
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
11 years ago
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
11 years ago
People who worked in govt jobs after retirement getting pension that is only the benefit from Govt jobs and that situation is also changed. Those persons who joined after 2004 will not get that benefit also.
11 years ago
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
These words are not important in Government Jobs..... I see many government officers are not eligible for job. Still they continue serving for that post.......
11 years ago
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
These words are not important in Government Jobs..... I see many government officers are not eligible for job. Still they continue serving for that post.......
Yes job security is there. For an easygoing and unambitious, govt jobs are ideal
11 years ago
rambabu wrote:
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
These words are not important in Government Jobs..... I see many government officers are not eligible for job. Still they continue serving for that post.......
Yes job security is there. For an easygoing and unambitious, govt jobs are ideal
In Govt job age is restricted. In a private job, even 60 year old man also gets a new job. In private you can get job after your retirement from Govt job. They only expect the talented people.
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
These words are not important in Government Jobs..... I see many government officers are not eligible for job. Still they continue serving for that post.......
Yes job security is there. For an easygoing and unambitious, govt jobs are ideal
In Govt job age is restricted. In a private job, even 60 year old man also gets a new job. In private you can get job after your retirement from Govt job. They only expect the talented people.
11 years ago
rambabu wrote:
Every Job weather in Private or Government Need full responsibility. A lack in responsibility may take your job.........
It's not just responsibility, it;s also about skill and knowledge related to your job.
These words are not important in Government Jobs..... I see many government officers are not eligible for job. Still they continue serving for that post.......
Yes job security is there. For an easygoing and unambitious, govt jobs are ideal
In Govt job age is restricted. In a private job, even 60 year old man also gets a new job. In private you can get job after your retirement from Govt job. They only expect the talented people.
Yes, but what you except a 60 year employee in private sector. Will he give its best to company.. Most of them fails.......
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