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11 years ago
Govt job means we are doing something for our country or state. An private job means doing something for that firm only, whether it is National or International. In private firms the head of the firm can take care of his firm as it is small in comparison with the country or state and he/she will be more strict to the employers who are not performing but in case of government employees, they do their work in their own ways. If people in government jobs start working sincerely then our country would progress with double rate as compared to current.
11 years ago
Is Microsoft a small firm.?Are the employees of Microsoft work for themselves ? Similarly Infosys and and Wipro small firms?
11 years ago
Microsoft, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, these are not small firms, the culture of work and monitoring the work to be done is excellent and there is no chance that anyone in these companies will get salary without working. But in many cases in government there are employees who are dong nothing or very less for government but still they are getting salary. You can find many govt schools where either there are no students or students are very less, and the teachers are getting high salaries there. Even peons in govt schools are not working properly and getting good salaries as compared to peons in private firms who works the whole day.
11 years ago
Microsoft, Infosys, Wipro, IBM, these are not small firms, the culture of work and monitoring the work to be done is excellent and there is no chance that anyone in these companies will get salary without working. But in many cases in government there are employees who are dong nothing or very less for government but still they are getting salary. You can find many govt schools where either there are no students or students are very less, and the teachers are getting high salaries there. Even peons in govt schools are not working properly and getting good salaries as compared to peons in private firms who works the whole day.
That's the point. It proves, for a person who wants a development for himself, organization and the country, private firm jobs are ideal.
11 years ago
I will go with govt. job. Because, it is a secured job and salary is assured.
11 years ago
I will go with govt. job. Because, it is a secured job and salary is assured.
It's Ok for those who lead a life of comfort and doesn't need progress in life. Private jobs are meant for those who strive on challenges and show inclination towards progress and development.
11 years ago
I go with government jobs, as there are more administrative responsibility than private jobs. :whistle: :whistle:
11 years ago
Responsibility and Accountability are the two things which a government job lacks. Most of the people prefer security and free perks without moving a hair. This is the reason why Government jobs are in high demand.
11 years ago
This is a bad sign for India that people prefer government jobs only because of job security, they don't take care of their responsibility. In government jobs the promotion of employees depends on their link with politicians, while in private promotions almost depend on your ability to do work. If same fundamental is followed in government job, then India may have progressed more faster.
11 years ago
Like people like leaders and like governance - there is no point in blaming the leaders since it is people themselves who have brought in this system where government jobs iumply comfort and less work with financial security for life ! I have heard people say ' look for a government job and once you get it you will be fine , no need to take anything seriously ! With this attitude what better can we expect from various departments ? The mindset has to come from grassroot levels for any change to happen. When you have a responsible, aware population leaders automatically become better and less corrupt since they realise they cannot get away with such practices !
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
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