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I don't think mind completely stops thinking or learning but its get pre-occupied with unimportant thoughts for sometime. Without finding faults in someone or ourself its difficult to learn anything easily.
I don't think mind completely stops thinking or learning but its get pre-occupied with unimportant thoughts for sometime. Without finding faults in someone or ourself its difficult to learn anything easily.

I don't agree that one need to learn by finding faults in others or our self.Consider and example of a small kid who does not know what is right or wrong who learns whatever you tell him/her. :)
Learning has no age. We can learn in any stage of life.
Well... I guess it depends.. Some people never stop learning even after that.

Well... I guess it depends.. Some people never stop learning even after that.

Yes we should not stop learning as this was keep open the scope of improvements in our self. :)
when we learn something, we should keep our mind completely on it. We should stop our mind thinking and thoughts then only 100% we can learn what we are trying to learn

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks friends for keeping a two-and-a-half year old thread alive...
... If we point-out mistakes in our elders that means our mind has stopped working it has gone numb...

Harish Jharia
Thanks friends for keeping a two-and-a-half year old thread alive...
... If we point-out mistakes in our elders that means our mind has stopped working it has gone numb...

Absolutely we should not find faults in those who have taught us to live life. :)
I don't think mind completely stops thinking or learning but its get pre-occupied with unimportant thoughts for sometime. Without finding faults in someone or ourself its difficult to learn anything easily.

I don't agree that one need to learn by finding faults in others or our self.Consider and example of a small kid who does not know what is right or wrong who learns whatever you tell him/her. :)

I agree at that age its difficult for them to know what's good or what's wrong so there is no possibility to know faults of others or oneself. sometimes they rebel,by following instructions or imitating others... :unsure:
Small children's mind is so small,that they could understand the big and can't differentiate what is wrong and what is right.

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