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Thanks Kalyani...

Harish Jharia
Thanks Kalyani...

You are most welcome!! I hope you are here to stay now!! :) :)

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thanks Ronak... I spend most of the time on my blog 'Discover Life'

Sir,you were the first one in Boddunan,from whom, i got help to have a start in this site. I can't foget you.
Yes,i am following your blog.
You are doing a very good job.

Want to make each day Accountable

Thank you said by: Harish Jharia
This says we must respect our elders.I know sometimes they are wrong but to say them wrong is actually wrong. :)

I dont agree with that ! One should be open to corrections at any stage of life.If there is something that I feel is not right in what my mother tells me I point it out to her and we discuss the issue.That does not mean that I do not respect my mother since I cherish her ...

Pointing our elders mistakes does not mean that we do not respect them. They may be wrong sometimes and we should correct but in a better way by not forgetting that they are elders. And obviously our mind does not stop learning when we find faults because we also learn something when we point out someone's mistake.
This says we must respect our elders.I know sometimes they are wrong but to say them wrong is actually wrong. :)

I dont agree with that ! One should be open to corrections at any stage of life.If there is something that I feel is not right in what my mother tells me I point it out to her and we discuss the issue.That does not mean that I do not respect my mother since I cherish her ...

Pointing our elders mistakes does not mean that we do not respect them. They may be wrong sometimes and we should correct but in a better way by not forgetting that they are elders. And obviously our mind does not stop learning when we find faults because we also learn something when we point out someone's mistake.

Pointing out for someone's mistake rudely will definitely hurt him/her.So we should always point out their faults softly so that they may not get hurt. :)
Good people like you remember and acknowledge good deeds ...
Thanks Ronak for remembering me and my work... Thanks for following my Blog "Discover Life" too...
Take care ... God bless you...

Harish Jharia
This says we must respect our elders.I know sometimes they are wrong but to say them wrong is actually wrong. :)

I dont agree with that ! One should be open to corrections at any stage of life.If there is something that I feel is not right in what my mother tells me I point it out to her and we discuss the issue.That does not mean that I do not respect my mother since I cherish her ...

Pointing our elders mistakes does not mean that we do not respect them. They may be wrong sometimes and we should correct but in a better way by not forgetting that they are elders. And obviously our mind does not stop learning when we find faults because we also learn something when we point out someone's mistake.

In fact, I am learning many things from my children and I never hesitate to discuss an issue with them since they are able to give their own views about it.We are growing all the time as individuals, it is left to us as to how best we put all the learning and experience into good use ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

i agree with Harish Jharia that when we start finding the faults in our elders our mind stop learning
When we are doing a work for a longer period it get tired and need rest to gain all energy to start the work with lot more thinking............
This says we must respect our elders.I know sometimes they are wrong but to say them wrong is actually wrong. :)

I dont agree with that ! One should be open to corrections at any stage of life.If there is something that I feel is not right in what my mother tells me I point it out to her and we discuss the issue.That does not mean that I do not respect my mother since I cherish her ...

Pointing our elders mistakes does not mean that we do not respect them. They may be wrong sometimes and we should correct but in a better way by not forgetting that they are elders. And obviously our mind does not stop learning when we find faults because we also learn something when we point out someone's mistake.

In fact, I am learning many things from my children and I never hesitate to discuss an issue with them since they are able to give their own views about it.We are growing all the time as individuals, it is left to us as to how best we put all the learning and experience into good use ...

I also learn many things specially about computer from my daughter.
So learning should not be stopped in any time.
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