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We are talking about learning from old FATHER and MOTHER...Why are we avoiding to accept that yes, we still need to learn from them.

Its a good idea- learning from SERVANTS and CHILDREN... But why not from PARENTS...

We want to point-out mistakes in them rather than learning from them, without whom we would not have existed today...

Now, let's be prepared to face the same treatment from our children when we grow old (60 years plus)and our children become the bread earners.


We may learn from every one. Parents are most apt to guide. Even if we disagree with them, our attitude must be respectful.

True, parents are our first teachers. The moment we take birth, our learning process starts first from our mother, then our father. Each word that we utter, each step that we first take, its all learned from our parents. There does come a time when we feel there is nothing left to learn from them, but that is wrong attitude and whatever the differences may be there, we should never be disrespectful.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Our mind stops learning when we are loosing interest :) :)
We are talking about learning from old FATHER and MOTHER...Why are we avoiding to accept that yes, we still need to learn from them.

Its a good idea- learning from SERVANTS and CHILDREN... But why not from PARENTS...

We want to point-out mistakes in them rather than learning from them, without whom we would not have existed today...

Now, let's be prepared to face the same treatment from our children when we grow old (60 years plus) and our children become the bread earners.


I think learning from parents is something that need not even be mentioned since it goes without saying ! We are constantly with them, interacting with them and we are who we are because of them...But as far as pointing mistakes, it is a personal issue and there can be different view points and one can never be judgmental and say that one particular way of doing is the only right way of doing it.Most people tend to think that what they say is right and others are wrong, which is limiting our views on any subject ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Thanks and all the very best...
Good Luck...

Harish Jharia
Our minds stops learning when we die.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Our minds stops learning when we die.

Very apt LOL :cheer: , I too would go with that, we never stop learning in life as long as we are alive :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We are talking about learning from old FATHER and MOTHER...Why are we avoiding to accept that yes, we still need to learn from them.

Its a good idea- learning from SERVANTS and CHILDREN... But why not from PARENTS...

We want to point-out mistakes in them rather than learning from them, without whom we would not have existed today...

Now, let's be prepared to face the same treatment from our children when we grow old (60 years plus)and our children become the bread earners.


Harish Jharia
Harish jee
Today, a few hours back I thought about you and this thread. It's really surprising to see this thread in the front page.
Actually I want to add the story of a 'shishya' who once decided to kill his guru for severe punishments.

I can't remember his name right now. He was the most brilliant student of the Guru. But, even for small mistakes, he was given severe punishments, that he began to hate his guru and think about him that, his guru doesn't love him. So he decided to kill him. He took a big stone and sat on the roof top to kill his guru. Suddenly he hear the conversation between Guru and his wife.
His wife asks him, why are you giving severe punishment to this boy only.
Guru replies, I know it well. I do so, so that pride will never attack him and he will remain humble. Also, he has a good future. So, i can't tolerate even his small mistakes, because I love him the most though I not show him.

Shishya began to cry hearing this. Later he asks his guru, "If a student think of killing his guru what's his punishment?"
Guru replies, " He should assemble rice husk and lit fire on it. Then he has to sit on the top of the flame and thus sacrifice his life to agni"

Suddenly, shishya reveals the secret. Even if guru forgives him and requests him not to do so, shishya do it.

Can we find such Gurus and shishyas now.....?? very difficult. isn't it?

Meera sandhu
Our minds stops learning when we die.

Very apt LOL :cheer: , I too would go with that, we never stop learning in life as long as we are alive :)

As they say- The learning process stops when we breath our last.

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Hello Sandhya Rani ji,
Thanks for thinking so very extensively about this thread and posting this excellent post...
This is a 2 1/2 year thread and has become active recently.
This is all about the love and respect we have within us for our parents and elders.
I think that those who taught us the first word we spoke, deserve immunity against criticism by us.
I think, if we criticize our parents or teacher they will stop teaching us and we would not learn anything from them.
But, today that feeling for our parents is not existing any more in us.
The entity of parents has reduced to the level of pieces of furniture.
I have come to this conclusion after going through the discussion in this thread.
I have no complaints against those who have not agreed to my comments. Because, everybody has his / her own concepts in life, depending on their own problems and adversities, they faced.
I remember one of my threads, I initiated in Yahoo Answers about 4-5 years back: it goes like this... There also I wrote about my love for parents ... But, a girl from a western country wrote "... What about a father who molested his own daughter...". I had a severe shock on seeing this comment. That thread also went on for quite some time... And we received diverse comments.
ANYWAYS, this thread also went on for about 3 years and I am happy that people, at least, mentioned names of father and mother.
Parents should not be reduced to the level of pieces of furniture... Old furniture...
Thanks indeed, Sandhya Rani, for sparing time for this thread dedicated to PARENTS...

Harish Jharia
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
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