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It has registered a slight improvement and the rank is 12233.Hope by the end of this we would be either near 10000 or into them.

Friends,taking leave of you for the moment and would be back in the evening.Till then 'Bye' and have a nice day!
:) Yes --- This rank is on 18th May 2010...

As of 18th May its 12,233...

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Good jump of boddunan so its good news for us that we are going to remove one digit soon.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Everyday the rank is improving. This is a very good sign. Hope bodduan comes below 10,000 before end of June.

Cool information and hot earnings @
It looks like a tough competition to break into top 10,000 but given to the zeal of the members we shall overcome!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram
Ram Ram Hare HAre

Good Morning Friends!

It is really a good news..
I hope in near future Boddnan will touch new heights of success.
keep it up friends....

Software Engineers never die...They just go offline.
Hey Members,

Now the rank is lower at 11696.Can we bring it down further to 10,000 in this month itself?
Hey..that's really great jump.I hope definitely we can bring it down to 10,000 this month.
There is a slight rise in the rank and it is now 12228.Nothing to lose heart of!!Let's keep trying!
We have to work harder not only for increasing rank but also for maintainingtheposition. There is fierce competition. While we work hard, other sites are also working hard. Thus it is a competition.

Many members are inactive. I request all members to at least log in daily and spend minimum half an hour onthe site whatever be the busy schedule. There are many veterens who are just missing but they can deliver a lot and at least guide the new members.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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