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Next month onwards I will also try from my part.Surely it will come down within two or three months to below 10000

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Yes Abid..... The numbers are really encouraging and interesting :)

I just want to see this rank in 4 digits soon :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Boddunan is improving day by day....really encouraging..

Lots of Hard work is required....
Feeling very encouraged indeed! All are working with great enthusiasm and scope for further improvment is always there.There should not be any room for complacency.
Hey Friends!

Boddunan's rank has come further down to 12367! Time to rejoice!An encouraging improvement in a day.We are almost poised to break into 10,000 - do put in some extra efforts!
On May 14 2010,

The rank is 12,367...

Common friends...we can make this number fall down more!!!!!


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Yes Deepti,we can enter into 10,000 bracket this month itself.I attribute it to some fine hard work being put in by the members.
we should work hard to get the rank in 5000 in 2010 itself. so work hard. raise all the new issues in forums and have creative polls
Rank as of now is 12,369. It is good to see that still we are maintaining this rank. Let us mork hard more to bring down it !!!
Seems that the rank have gone up a little and there is no decrease in rank.....

On May 17th --- 12,369
On May 14th --- 12,367


Thanks 'n' Regards,
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