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Its very good opportunity for new achievers and well encouragement of Boddunanians.

It's true that the young and new brigade along with some old hands have done wonderfully well in this regard.
our hardwork has found a result thanks members work more we can make it under 10000

I think we will be on top soon if this speed will continue and active members will increase.

Santosh Kumar Singh


There is absolutely no reason to believe that members involvement would decline with the new point system in place.The only thing that we need to ensure that relevant subjects are selected and brought up in the forum to attract traffic.
yes santosh we will be at top if we continue this activity without any problem

At the moment the rank looks promising as I have studied that Boddunan's rank is much better than any regional newspaper site but a hard competition lies ahead in the coming days to improve it further.Most important thing is to hold on to the current ranking and look for further improvement.
Great news for all members who are working hard here. Continue your good work and let's bring down the rank to 3 digits soon.
As per today,
Traffic Rank in INDIA: 12,780....

:lol: :laugh:


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Here are the full numbers... taken from the site link

Alexa Traffic Rank: 144,998
Traffic Rank in IN: 12,780
Sites Linking In: 43


Thanks 'n' Regards,
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