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Ok I take back what ever I have written here. 90 % rape cases are in waiting list. Women become old and finally dies. She don't get justice. Hardly few charges are proved in the court.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Ok I take back what ever I have written here. 90 % rape cases are in waiting list. Women become old and finally dies. She don't get justice. Hardly few charges are proved in the court.

Except in few cases, most of the rape victims do not get justice because they do not make a formal complaint fearing the stigma associated with it. Often the victims and her family members do not co-operate with the police others to know about the incident. And until and unless they co-operate it becomes difficult for the police to take action.
Ok I take back what ever I have written here. 90 % rape cases are in waiting list. Women become old and finally dies. She don't get justice. Hardly few charges are proved in the court.

Except in few cases, most of the rape victims do not get justice because they do not make a formal complaint fearing the stigma associated with it. Often the victims and her family members do not co-operate with the police others to know about the incident. And until and unless they co-operate it becomes difficult for the police to take action.

Rightly stated that victims fear stigma associated with rape. Stigma is worse than rape. we need a change in mindset by campaigning hard. Stigma must be removed. The raped women must feel no shame. This is what actually needs be done. People are normal after theft and injury but they get so abnormal on rape. This is the main issue rather than actual rape.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Women weather married or unmarried are the victims of rape.Every day in news I just watch that a women being raped by her nephew or some other family members.Really its a very shameful for us.That whom we believe and who are our relatives or near ones they did these type of crime.

Sharmistha Banerjee
This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.

What is that suppose to mean?? Why should she not return home? Only a family and friends can give mental support to a woman who has gone through such traumatic experience. Also, why should the woman who is raped commit suicide?? She should live to see that justice is done to her through the legal ways.

me too surprised with Devayani's post? :blink:

then where should she go, Devayani?
is it her fault?

Meera sandhu
It's really shocking that both men left her. Instead they should have fight back.

Also, it's bit risky to travel through such lonely places...such risks should be avoided at any cost.

Meera sandhu
This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.

What is that suppose to mean?? Why should she not return home? Only a family and friends can give mental support to a woman who has gone through such traumatic experience. Also, why should the woman who is raped commit suicide?? She should live to see that justice is done to her through the legal ways.

me too surprised with Devayani's post? :blink:

then where should she go, Devayani?
is it her fault?

I think what she is trying to say is that a woman who is raped should not leave the culprit just like that and come back home. But the truth is Devyani that we are physically not stronger than men (generally) and this is why mostly women are overpowered in such incidents.

Live in the present :)
Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar, Sandhya Rani
Friends I have many a times suggested girls to atleast learn defensive techniques and eat healthy food. If you can't fight then atleast you can run. Women should some how learn to escape. In adverse situations nobody will come front to help us, not even a lady. It depends on luck and your presence of mind. Admiting to the rapist is worst thing. Man can be coward but woman are not so.
Thank you said by: Sandhya Rani
I want to write few more points with this. I remember I have many a times mentioned them before.
It is not at all necessary to look beautiful. Prestige and honour is more important. If a woman looks ugly, nobody will feel interest in her. If she wears sexy or beautiful dress, it draws attention of many people. Makeup and dressing style should be according to place and situation and not according to out whim.
Friends I have many a times suggested girls to atleast learn defensive techniques and eat healthy food. If you can't fight then atleast you can run. Women should some how learn to escape. In adverse situations nobody will come front to help us, not even a lady. It depends on luck and your presence of mind. Admiting to the rapist is worst thing. Man can be coward but woman are not so.

Thank you Devu for your lovely post :) :)

Now only I understood the real meaning of your post. :)

Meera sandhu
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