Husband as well as friend of a woman left her behind out of cowardice. She was raped. Obviously, a woman cannot these days expect protection even from nearest. However, hes husband reported to police who arrived at the scene after rape.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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Girl should not marry a coward man. It is better to live alone. If a man cannot protect his wife, atleast he can kill his wife to avoid such horrible incident.
Girl should not marry a coward man. It is better to live alone. If a man cannot protect his wife, atleast he can kill his wife to avoid such horrible incident.

why do you suggest killing wife if she cannot be saved from rape. No doubt, in this case, the husband as well as friend could show courage. Quite likely, the woman would still be raped and both men killed or seriously wounded. The husband at least promptly reported to police.

The incident is very bad and is indicative of horrible state of law and order. But there is no point in saying that killing is better than rape. Even after rape, the woman is alive and she can be consoled and brought to normalcy.

Let me here recall an incident at Mathura about thirty years ago. A man was going somewhere with his wife and sister. On the way, some miscreants attempted to molest and rape the women. The man protested. The woman understood that it was no use fighting so many. so she asked her husband to leave her there and leave with his sister. The miscreants permitted this. Next day, women came back home after group rape. Thus she saved her unmarried sister in law by surrendering herself. Is this not a wise decision by woman as well as her husband.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.
This is bizarre! Had the woman's husband and friend shown a little courage the incident could have been avoided. Those two men are no less than the culprits!

Live in the present :)
The two may have asked for help from outsiders also, if they couldn't do anything. But timing is very important. If they had taken a step at the correct time then the incident could have been avoided.
The two may have asked help from outsiders also, if they couldn't do anything. But timing is very important. If they had taken a step at the correct time then the incident could have been avoided.

They were in the jungle at the time of the unfortunate incident. So naturally could not have got any help.

Live in the present :)
Oh that is ridiculous.How can a husband who has to protect his wife in any circumstance leave his wife?.Actually he is not a man his wife should leave him.I am really surprised if it really happens in this world. :evil:
This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.

What is that suppose to mean?? Why should she not return home? Only a family and friends can give mental support to a woman who has gone through such traumatic experience. Also, why should the woman who is raped commit suicide?? She should live to see that justice is done to her through the legal ways.
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.

What is that suppose to mean?? Why should she not return home? Only a family and friends can give mental support to a woman who has gone through such traumatic experience. Also, why should the woman who is raped commit suicide?? She should live to see that justice is done to her through the legal ways.

Even I agree with you Jabeen the victim of rape is not a culprit then why should she be ashamed of and commit suicide but those who raped her should be punished. I remember one of the incident in Delhi where south east girl was raped but like you said she did not commit suicide but she helped Police to find out those men who did this crime. :)
This is nothing but encouraging the rapists. Each and every rapists should be killed. They don't have right to survive. I don't understand how a woman can come back home after being raped by so many people. I agree that she was brave enough to save her husband and sister in law.
I last option that a woman gets to do in such situation is murder or suicide. I will opt for murder.

There is no point in encouraging rape, which is a crime. But to suggest the victim should commit suicide or kill the offender and consequently face murder charge in court is not sensible. The proper course is that:
First, take legal action against the offender and prosecute him. Next, encourage the victim to get normal and lead life as usual. Why should a woman be made to feel guilty for no fault of her. In similar circumstances, a man does not feel guilty. Why should a woman? Let us fight for removing double standards on chastity. Men and women should be subjected to same criteria.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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