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Friends society comes later, family refuse to accept woman or girl. They just throw her away from home. Husband divorce his wife and gets married to other woman. When nobody stands beside a woman, it is better to live alone and unmarried. Friends I had many marriage proposals. I have refused them all finding the groom is coward. I feel that I am strong and better than a man. I am not so weak to look for a man's support. I am unmarried and happy.
Friends society comes later, family refuse to accept woman or girl. They just throw her away from home. Husband divorce his wife and gets married to other woman. When nobody stands beside a woman, it is better to live alone and unmarried. Friends I had many marriage proposals. I have refused them all finding the groom is coward. I feel that I am strong and better than a man. I am not so weak to look for a man's support. I am unmarried and happy.

You may marry when you feel comfortable. Marriage is for equal companionship and not for dependence on any.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Devyani Sarkar
This type of husband should be punished.After committing crime just called the police so that police will not suspect him.He should be severely punished.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Now friends I want put forward my argument. In case of a gang rape, if a lady can beat one and another lady can beat another one and a man can obviously beat two men. In totality they can fight can run away. They could have somehow tried to escape rather than admitting themselves. If rapists are carrying knife or other weapons then you can also carry something along with you for sake of protection. Otherwise we can use stones lying on the street. There are many ways of escape rather than cowardness. They are criminals who are sick. We can answer them back in there style and language. Prestige and honour is more important. Important than own life.

If every girl understands this we can hope that in the near future women will have the same independence as men enjoy of moving freely without any fear of being eve teased or harassed.

Prestige and honor of all is important. But we need redefine women's prestige. Now women's 'honor' is heavily biased. A man remains honorable and maintains prestige even when he is caught in rape offence. But a woman is 'dishonored' and loses prestige on mere suspicion of an affair and even when she is victim of rape. Let there be no doubles standard. A WOMAN IS HONORABLE EVEN WHEN SHE IS RAPED. SHE LOSES NEITHER HONOR NOR PRESTIGE. IT IS THE OFFENDER WHO LOSES HONOR.

But do you really think the society sees it this way? A rape victim is looked upon by people around her. Life never remains the same as the scars on the victim's soul are incurable. The society will never let her forget.

This is challenge to women in general and all those who seek gender equality. I am for gender equality in all respects especially in matter of social attitude to sex, rape etc. I wonder why women organizations do not agitate to bring such equal gender standards.

This yet again comes to a stand still here as the main area of change in this matter would be the general people and their thoughts. No amount of strict laws would be helpful in this regard until and unless the people become aware and shun narrow minded thinking.

Live in the present :)
Now friends I want put forward my argument. In case of a gang rape, if a lady can beat one and another lady can beat another one and a man can obviously beat two men. In totality they can fight can run away. They could have somehow tried to escape rather than admitting themselves. If rapists are carrying knife or other weapons then you can also carry something along with you for sake of protection. Otherwise we can use stones lying on the street. There are many ways of escape rather than cowardness. They are criminals who are sick. We can answer them back in there style and language. Prestige and honour is more important. Important than own life.

If every girl understands this we can hope that in the near future women will have the same independence as men enjoy of moving freely without any fear of being eve teased or harassed.

Prestige and honor of all is important. But we need redefine women's prestige. Now women's 'honor' is heavily biased. A man remains honorable and maintains prestige even when he is caught in rape offence. But a woman is 'dishonored' and loses prestige on mere suspicion of an affair and even when she is victim of rape. Let there be no doubles standard. A WOMAN IS HONORABLE EVEN WHEN SHE IS RAPED. SHE LOSES NEITHER HONOR NOR PRESTIGE. IT IS THE OFFENDER WHO LOSES HONOR.

But do you really think the society sees it this way? A rape victim is looked upon by people around her. Life never remains the same as the scars on the victim's soul are incurable. The society will never let her forget.

This is challenge to women in general and all those who seek gender equality. I am for gender equality in all respects especially in matter of social attitude to sex, rape etc. I wonder why women organizations do not agitate to bring such equal gender standards.

This yet again comes to a stand still here as the main area of change in this matter would be the general people and their thoughts. No amount of strict laws would be helpful in this regard until and unless the people become aware and shun narrow minded thinking.

Not law but strong movement by women and those fighting for real gender equality can lodge a powerful movement. A few months back, there was a 'Besharmi morcha' in Delhi. There need be more such morchas time to time.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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