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I had stage fear. I will be having fear to go the stage after some time I will leave my fear and continue my lecture.

Experience makes things better once you will start performing more on the stage this fear will vanish. :)

Who is searching for experience ;)

To get experience, we should face that occasion at least once in life time. Isn't it? :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
I perform many dramas,dance program in schools and in our area.I just have no fear of stage.instead I am always eager to perform on the stage.

Sharmistha Banerjee
No, i donot have stage fear i have participated in many programs like dramas,singing and some miming.I will always wait for a chance to participate.
I too have no stage fear as that was part of my job to be on stage almost twice a week.

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Somebody may having stage and somebody may participate all events very boldly.
what about you

I was reading somewhere that very few people are without stage fear and unless one tries to overcome this in childhood, it may remain with the person for life.I used to have stage fear while I was young but later I was able to overcome it during my school and college days..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I love to do shows.In schools I performed many stage programme but I never felt any nervousness.I have no fear of forgetting any thing.I performed very casually and smoothly.

Sharmistha Banerjee
I perform many dramas,dance program in schools and in our area.I just have no fear of stage.instead I am always eager to perform on the stage.

That's really great Sharmishtha, it does take a lot of courage to stand up in front of an audience to perform even for a minute or two.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I don't have stage fear if I know what I should do on the stage. I have many a times danced on stage in my childhood. I am habituated with this.
State fear comes when we have less confidence about us. So first we have to create self confidence in us, then we can remove stage fear very easily.
Somebody may having stage and somebody may participate all events very boldly.
what about you

I was reading somewhere that very few people are without stage fear and unless one tries to overcome this in childhood, it may remain with the person for life.I used to have stage fear while I was young but later I was able to overcome it during my school and college days..

During my childhood, I had lots of stage fear and would avoid going on stage as far as possible. In fact, I even hated the idea of going on stage to receive prizes for academic merits. But during college days, as we were compelled to give presentation quite often, I gradually overcame this problem.
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