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oh that is great. my sister also asked her son to read bible in church. He also very, very fearful boy. but now he is reading very well

That will definitely help him in long run let him do that. :)

Yes. His father is used to participate all the programs and he used to pray loudly in church.
Our leaders are born orators and they never fear to speak before crowd or in hall. But leaders in other countries are not so talented. I remember that once a British member of parliament rose to address. He just said- I conceive. He paused and again- i conceive . He again paused and said- I conceive.

He could speak nothing. The a lady member scornfully commented- had I conceived once, I would produce a child who would grow up as a man like honorable member. But he conceived thrice but could produce nothing.

The member felt ashamed and he left the house. He went to forests and practiced speaking before trees.

he returned to parliament as a very powerful orator.

LOL,I remember reading this, I think it was in the fifties or sixties and the lady interrupted saying "The right honorable secretary of state has conceived thrice and brought forth nothing."....I think it was Joseph Addison if I am not mistaken..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Somebody may having stage and somebody may participate all events very boldly.
what about you

No stage fear, I'm a stage actor and an eloquent platform speaker
When i go on to the stage, I feel 30% fear. but when i my self feel no stage fear then i will become 100% confident

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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