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What about politicians.....they want to stay most time in stages.
I don't know how are they able to do so.

Meera sandhu
What about politicians.....they want to stay most time in stages.
I don't know how are they able to do so.

Every one has expertise in his job, like beggars are not ashamed to sit whole day for begging purpose they are there on stage. Simple.

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What about politicians.....they want to stay most time in stages.
I don't know how are they able to do so.

Every one has expertise in his job, like beggars are not ashamed to sit whole day for begging purpose they are there on stage. Simple.

Correct!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
What about politicians.....they want to stay most time in stages.
I don't know how are they able to do so.

Every one has expertise in his job, like beggars are not ashamed to sit whole day for begging purpose they are there on stage. Simple.

Correct!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks God I can say some thing simple. :laugh: :laugh:

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Stage fear is common problem.. I too have stage fear for giving seminar, speech or anything related to talking.. words tumble and I speak something out of mind mostly.. even after practice I dont know why this happens... :unsure:
But stage performance is not a problem for me as previous in school day I have done dance and plays by facing public...
That is common some people simply shake like doing rock n roll while on stage. This is not an easy job.

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This is common to get fear first time on stage .I played some on stage in my college life.and i have some experience.
Our leaders are born orators and they never fear to speak before crowd or in hall. But leaders in other countries are not so talented. I remember that once a British member of parliament rose to address. He just said- I conceive. He paused and again- i conceive . He again paused and said- I conceive.

He could speak nothing. The a lady member scornfully commented- had I conceived once, I would produce a child who would grow up as a man like honorable member. But he conceived thrice but could produce nothing.

The member felt ashamed and he left the house. He went to forests and practiced speaking before trees.

he returned to parliament as a very powerful orator.

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I had stage fear. I will be having fear to go the stage after some time I will leave my fear and continue my lecture.

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I had stage fear. I will be having fear to go the stage after some time I will leave my fear and continue my lecture.

Experience makes things better once you will start performing more on the stage this fear will vanish. :)
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