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Even if some one flatters or praise us in true sense, we should ask ourselves. It's we who can understand us more than any others as we are well acknowledged about our capabilities and weakness.
True admirations are real appreciations which catalyze us a lot while fluttering may harm us. Some people may flutter us for their benefits or getting our attention also.

even genuine praise is not really useful. One may praise from his angle. It is best to ignore bouquet and brickbats both. It is worthwhile to see the results of your activities and review yourself.

That is the wisest thing to do , but very few are able to do that.Human nature is such that, one is perpetually looking for approval from others, may be it is because of the conditioning that happens to people due to the norms laid down by the society !

Sometimes, we feel, if it's right in other one's eyes, we are right :evil: :evil: :evil: . It may be because of lack of self-confidence or belief in ourselves.

We should consider who is praising and why. If you are praised by your boss for good work, this is welcome. But if some of your subordinate who is habitual late comer praises you, this is flattery for covering his indiscipline. A praise of student by teacher is okay.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There is very thin line in between flattery and praise who do understand it well. even jokes sound sarcastic to some one not getting there. Flattery certainly is a complicated issue for people with low top-material.

Yes that's true ! People can be very complicated and many a times their intentions are beyond our perception !I know of some relatives who come and praise (flatter) me on my face and probably do the opposite behind my back...

Yes that's true! Again I feel that every person comes across such people, especially during those times when you can be useful to them in some manner. Also, many find it very difficult to really differentiate between a true and genuine praise and selfish flattery! I have especially come across such in corporate world, true sycophants!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Even if some one flatters or praise us in true sense, we should ask ourselves. It's we who can understand us more than any others as we are well acknowledged about our capabilities and weakness.
True admirations are real appreciations which catalyze us a lot while fluttering may harm us. Some people may flutter us for their benefits or getting our attention also.

even genuine praise is not really useful. One may praise from his angle. It is best to ignore bouquet and brickbats both. It is worthwhile to see the results of your activities and review yourself.

That is the wisest thing to do , but very few are able to do that.Human nature is such that, one is perpetually looking for approval from others, may be it is because of the conditioning that happens to people due to the norms laid down by the society !

Sometimes, we feel, if it's right in other one's eyes, we are right :evil: :evil: :evil: . It may be because of lack of self-confidence or belief in ourselves.

We should consider who is praising and why. If you are praised by your boss for good work, this is welcome. But if some of your subordinate who is habitual late comer praises you, this is flattery for covering his indiscipline. A praise of student by teacher is okay.

Yeah I have across such people, my team members used to start praising me without any reason whenever they wanted an off or change of shift!!! But I always caught on their act!! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Even if some one flatters or praise us in true sense, we should ask ourselves. It's we who can understand us more than any others as we are well acknowledged about our capabilities and weakness.
True admirations are real appreciations which catalyze us a lot while fluttering may harm us. Some people may flutter us for their benefits or getting our attention also.

even genuine praise is not really useful. One may praise from his angle. It is best to ignore bouquet and brickbats both. It is worthwhile to see the results of your activities and review yourself.

That is the wisest thing to do , but very few are able to do that.Human nature is such that, one is perpetually looking for approval from others, may be it is because of the conditioning that happens to people due to the norms laid down by the society !

Sometimes, we feel, if it's right in other one's eyes, we are right :evil: :evil: :evil: . It may be because of lack of self-confidence or belief in ourselves.

We should consider who is praising and why. If you are praised by your boss for good work, this is welcome. But if some of your subordinate who is habitual late comer praises you, this is flattery for covering his indiscipline. A praise of student by teacher is okay.

Yeah I have across such people, my team members used to start praising me without any reason whenever they wanted an off or change of shift!!! But I always caught on their act!! :laugh:

It's only our belief that we catch may not be true always :blink: :blink:
There are some finest flatterers too!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Is there a word 'flatterer' in our dictionary :unsure: :unsure: ??

Meera sandhu
Even if some one flatters or praise us in true sense, we should ask ourselves. It's we who can understand us more than any others as we are well acknowledged about our capabilities and weakness.
True admirations are real appreciations which catalyze us a lot while fluttering may harm us. Some people may flutter us for their benefits or getting our attention also.

even genuine praise is not really useful. One may praise from his angle. It is best to ignore bouquet and brickbats both. It is worthwhile to see the results of your activities and review yourself.

That is the wisest thing to do , but very few are able to do that.Human nature is such that, one is perpetually looking for approval from others, may be it is because of the conditioning that happens to people due to the norms laid down by the society !

Sometimes, we feel, if it's right in other one's eyes, we are right :evil: :evil: :evil: . It may be because of lack of self-confidence or belief in ourselves.

We should consider who is praising and why. If you are praised by your boss for good work, this is welcome. But if some of your subordinate who is habitual late comer praises you, this is flattery for covering his indiscipline. A praise of student by teacher is okay.

Yeah I have across such people, my team members used to start praising me without any reason whenever they wanted an off or change of shift!!! But I always caught on their act!! :laugh:

It's only our belief that we catch may not be true always :blink: :blink:
There are some finest flatterers too!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Is there a word 'flatterer' in our dictionary :unsure: :unsure: ??

Well, at least I have never come across such a fine flatterer! I think if we know the real us, then we can identify such people. But I don't always disclose to them that I know what they are upto, I just let them carry on and let them be happy to think that I am flattered!! HE he he! :evil:

Well, I don't know about other languages but here we call such a thing as 'maska polishing' :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yeah I have across such people, my team members used to start praising me without any reason whenever they wanted an off or change of shift!!! But I always caught on their act!! :laugh:

It's only our belief that we catch may not be true always :blink: :blink:
There are some finest flatterers too!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Is there a word 'flatterer' in our dictionary :unsure: :unsure: ??

Well, at least I have never come across such a fine flatterer! I think if we know the real us, then we can identify such people. But I don't always disclose to them that I know what they are upto, I just let them carry on and let them be happy to think that I am flattered!! HE he he! :evil:

Well, I don't know about other languages but here we call such a thing as 'maska polishing' :laugh:[/quote]

Let them do it.....they are doing a free service. :P :P :P
At least, we are hearing good things about us, even if we know we are not so :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu

Yeah I have across such people, my team members used to start praising me without any reason whenever they wanted an off or change of shift!!! But I always caught on their act!! :laugh:

It's only our belief that we catch may not be true always :blink: :blink:
There are some finest flatterers too!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Is there a word 'flatterer' in our dictionary :unsure: :unsure: ??

Well, at least I have never come across such a fine flatterer! I think if we know the real us, then we can identify such people. But I don't always disclose to them that I know what they are upto, I just let them carry on and let them be happy to think that I am flattered!! HE he he! :evil:

Well, I don't know about other languages but here we call such a thing as 'maska polishing' :laugh:

Let them do it.....they are doing a free service. :P :P :P
At least, we are hearing good things about us, even if we know we are not so :P :P :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:[/quote]

Just listen all good things but do not act on that basis. This will ensure you are protected.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes I agree, that we should use our own judgment where praise or flattery is considered especially from people who are not exactly your well wishers :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Yes I agree, that we should use our own judgment where praise or flattery is considered especially from people who are not exactly your well wishers :dry:

But should be able to appreciate ourselves when we get true admirations :) :) :) :)

Meera sandhu
Yes I agree, that we should use our own judgment where praise or flattery is considered especially from people who are not exactly your well wishers :dry:

But should be able to appreciate ourselves when we get true admirations :) :) :) :)

Of course yes! We should when we know we deserve it! Its good for our morale and self esteem!! No guilt about it!!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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