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There is a quote that says " Flattery and insults raise the same question, what do you want ? "
Some people are not able to distinguish between flattery and compliments /praise , no doubt we all like to hear others say good things about us. But, one should be able to distinguish between flattery and well deserved and genuine compliment...

Flattery is the tool of sycophants. They use it effectively by exploiting the gullibility in the people to get their things done.
There is a quote that says " Flattery and insults raise the same question, what do you want ? "
Some people are not able to distinguish between flattery and compliments /praise , no doubt we all like to hear others say good things about us. But, one should be able to distinguish between flattery and well deserved and genuine compliment...

Flattery is the tool of sycophants. They use it effectively by exploiting the gullibility in the people to get their things done.

Very true and we get to see more and more of this in people now..It is only the very wise who are able to withstand a determined person's flattery!

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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