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Let me flatter a little to bind Ceemji here. If he feel so, he can respond am wrong ;)

He really love Boddunan a lot. Even if he try a lot, he can't leave. He is most intelligent among all Boddunan members. He reads the mind of every people here and able to adjust with everyone. :silly: He has good humour sense and loves to make us laugh. :P His English vocabulary and standard is really great ;)
He thinks that he is very busy, yet finding time here :evil: :evil: :evil:
He has good knowledge of GK and current affairs. :woohoo: :woohoo: But he never show it. :S :S
Let me think and find some more factors :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Yes, got it.....
I am sure, he is flat reading Gulshanji's comments ;)

Now Ceemji tell I right or not? :unsure: :unsure:

Friends, is it enough to make him stay here????? B) B) B)

Meera sandhu
Kanha was moody, this was his own decision and come and dance with Gopis while the gopis though this was their's choice, in fact Kanha had them dancing to hhis tunes. Kanha has bigger works to do. ;) He comes when he feels like.

Was he really moody, the impression we get is that he was a carefree happy go lucky person who enjoyed life and ladies LOL :P ...I love the way Krishna is depicted in our scriptures, he makes you feel positive and full of life ... :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Let me flatter a little to bind Ceemji here. If he feel so, he can respond am wrong ;)

He really love Boddunan a lot. Even if he try a lot, he can't leave. He is most intelligent among all Boddunan members. He reads the mind of every people here and able to adjust with everyone. :silly: He has good humour sense and loves to make us laugh. :P His English vocabulary and standard is really great ;)
He thinks that he is very busy, yet finding time here :evil: :evil: :evil:
He has good knowledge of GK and current affairs. :woohoo: :woohoo: But he never show it. :S :S
Let me think and find some more factors :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Yes, got it.....
I am sure, he is flat reading Gulshanji's comments ;)

Now Ceemji tell I right or not? :unsure: :unsure:

Friends, is it enough to make him stay here????? B) B) B)

Ceemji are you hearing?
Whole discussion is about you :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Being diplomatic is definitely better than outright flattery...I feel that being diplomatic does help a lot in getting out of tricky situations.However, it is not nice to flatter people for personal gains ! :huh:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Being diplomatic is definitely better than outright flattery...I feel that being diplomatic does help a lot in getting out of tricky situations.However, it is not nice to flatter people for personal gains ! :huh:

Come on- the whole charm and interest is gone if the main purpose of flattery that is personal gain is taken out of it. ;)

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Being diplomatic is definitely better than outright flattery...I feel that being diplomatic does help a lot in getting out of tricky situations.However, it is not nice to flatter people for personal gains ! :huh:

Come on- the whole charm and interest is gone if the main purpose of flattery that is personal gain is taken out of it. ;)

LOL, that is of course true, so in some instances it would be in our interest not to show that you have seen through the person's intention and humor him/her along , may be even give in and show you are mighty pleased :cheer:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I notice that most people are very miserly with their compliments when it is deserving, however flattery flows freely since there is no substance to it.. :)

I agree. People feel jealous of those who deserve compliments. Hence they are miserly in giving compliments. But flattery flows from some selfish motive.

A genuine compliment given with an open heart does wonders to a persons ego especially when the person is need of it, like for example , a student who is otherwise performing badly, does even a little better ,needs to be encouraged...

Usha, you have put it perfectly well, but for a student who needs encouragement, I think we can call that motivation instead of flattery. And another thing that I feel is that a person who has quite high self-esteem, does not get swayed by any false flattery, because he knows his own deltas and positives and also accepts them well.

That's very true kalyani ! I was reading a book where the author talks about how people become more and more insecure as they climb higher in the ladder of success and want reassurances all the time even if it is only flattery - It is very lonely at the top and that constant flattery or reassurance somehow connects them with the others , so basically it is only those who are not sure of themselves and feel insecure that feel happy when people flatter them, however false it may be ..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

I notice that most people are very miserly with their compliments when it is deserving, however flattery flows freely since there is no substance to it.. :)

I agree. People feel jealous of those who deserve compliments. Hence they are miserly in giving compliments. But flattery flows from some selfish motive.

A genuine compliment given with an open heart does wonders to a persons ego especially when the person is need of it, like for example , a student who is otherwise performing badly, does even a little better ,needs to be encouraged...

Usha, you have put it perfectly well, but for a student who needs encouragement, I think we can call that motivation instead of flattery. And another thing that I feel is that a person who has quite high self-esteem, does not get swayed by any false flattery, because he knows his own deltas and positives and also accepts them well.

That's very true kalyani ! I was reading a book where the author talks about how people become more and more insecure as they climb higher in the ladder of success and want reassurances all the time even if it is only flattery - It is very lonely at the top and that constant flattery or reassurance somehow connects them with the others , so basically it is only those who are not sure of themselves and feel insecure that feel happy when people flatter them, however false it may be ..

That does make sense indeed. Most people would surely realize flattery but they take it in their stride as it probably feeds their inflated egos or to make them feel wanted and loved, as like you rightly said, it does get lonely at the top!! :lol:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Being diplomatic is definitely better than outright flattery...I feel that being diplomatic does help a lot in getting out of tricky situations.However, it is not nice to flatter people for personal gains ! :huh:

Come on- the whole charm and interest is gone if the main purpose of flattery that is personal gain is taken out of it. ;)

LOL, that is of course true, so in some instances it would be in our interest not to show that you have seen through the person's intention and humor him/her along , may be even give in and show you are mighty pleased :cheer:

So long as it does affect not anyone else, there is no harm in giving into flattery occasionally!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I notice that most people are very miserly with their compliments when it is deserving, however flattery flows freely since there is no substance to it.. :)

I agree. People feel jealous of those who deserve compliments. Hence they are miserly in giving compliments. But flattery flows from some selfish motive.

A genuine compliment given with an open heart does wonders to a persons ego especially when the person is need of it, like for example , a student who is otherwise performing badly, does even a little better ,needs to be encouraged...

Usha, you have put it perfectly well, but for a student who needs encouragement, I think we can call that motivation instead of flattery. And another thing that I feel is that a person who has quite high self-esteem, does not get swayed by any false flattery, because he knows his own deltas and positives and also accepts them well.

That's very true kalyani ! I was reading a book where the author talks about how people become more and more insecure as they climb higher in the ladder of success and want reassurances all the time even if it is only flattery - It is very lonely at the top and that constant flattery or reassurance somehow connects them with the others , so basically it is only those who are not sure of themselves and feel insecure that feel happy when people flatter them, however false it may be ..

That does make sense indeed. Most people would surely realize flattery but they take it in their stride as it probably feeds their inflated egos or to make them feel wanted and loved, as like you rightly said, it does get lonely at the top!! :lol:

I recently saw a local kannada film which deals with this subject of flattery , about an actress past her prime used to flattery and adulation realises that most of those who used to make much of her disappear the moment her demand comes down and the critics are the ones who give her support when she needs it...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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